Little Brother

18 4 2

You turn up at my door

With tears streaming

Down your cheeks

You tell me it was all because of her

And the things she said to you

Through text

And how it

"Just wasn't working"

When you thought everything was fine

You miss the memories the most

And crave her touch

Just as much

Now we're sitting up

In my room

While you clean up your tears

And say you need to get out

So we drive and drive

To a place far away

Where you scream and curse her name

Laying on our backs

Yelling at the stars

While more tears

Float down your cheeks

Throwing rocks across a stream

Loud splashes

In a silent night

Where the only other sound

Is your heart breaking more

As you crumple to the ground

Falling apart again

And as the sun begins to rise

With you asleep in the bed

Of my pickup

Worn out


And curled up small

So vulnerable

As I sit watch for you

Protecting you from more harm

Because seeing you in pain

Hurts me almost as much

I'm the only one

Allowed to make you cry

And even so not like this

To get to this little boy

You got to get through his

Big sister

So even though I promised not to

I'll be on her doorstep tomorrow

To curse her out

And give her a taste of her own medicine

For what she did to you

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