Just Another Shy Girl

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Just another shy girl

People passing by

She's in the corner

Barely bats an eye

Just another shy girl

In the back of the class

Doodling in a notebook

And staring out the window glass

Just another shy girl

Eating on her own

Picking slightly at her food

And staring hopefully at her phone

Just another shy girl

Returning home again

As she shuts the door and turns

When she notices her best friend

Just another shy girl

Breaking down in tears

Learning that her best and only friend

Is moving far away from here

Just another shy girl

Even more alone

Crying in an empty classroom

Thinking she's alone

Just another shy girl

Letting out a gasp

When a boy sits down beside her

"Are you okay?" he asks

Just another shy girl

Frozen there in shock

As the boy takes her hand gently

While she continues to gawk

Just another shy girl

Emerging from her shell

As the boy wraps her in a hug

Listening to the tale she has to tell

Just another shy girl

Feeling so confused

On why the boy had come here

While the boy sits there bemused

Just another shy girl

Many years after

Not so shy anymore

She's filled with life and laughter

Just another shy girl

Confident as ever

In the arms of the same boy

"Will you ever let me go?" she asks and he responds, "Never"

Just another shy girl

Staring out at the sea

When the boy kneels down beside her

"Will you marry me?"

Just another shy girl

Walking down the aisle

They both say, "I do"

And with happy tears, they smile

Just another shy girl

With a baby in her arms

As the boy hugs them from behind

Keeping his two favorite girls warm

Just another shy girl

Eighteen years down the road

Saying goodbye to that baby girl

As she moves to her own abode

Just another shy girl

With grandkids of her own

Who call and visit often

And talk excitedly on the phone

Just another shy girl

With the boy laying by her side

As she says, "goodnight I love you" for the last time

While tears slip out of his eyes

Just another shy girl

Watching from the kingdom in the sky

Where a few days later

The boy joins her after saying his goodbye

Just another shy girl

Forever in love

With the boy who stood by her side

As they live happily above  


So remember when I was talking about that contest a while back?? Like way way back? At least I think I mentioned it...it was through the library.


This is what I entered and surprisingly, I WON!!!

And forgot to post it right after, yikes.

But here it is now, please enjoy this because it's one of my favorites :)

Love yous *blows kisses*

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