you would have

5 0 0

You'd be waking up right about now

When I should be dead asleep

You'd be rolling over and grabbing your phone

And the first thing you'd see

Would be me

And you'd smile

A lazy, sleepy smile that graces your face

As effortlessly as the sun rises outside your window

You'd be getting ready for work right about now

Making something fancy for breakfast

Maybe eggs benedict

And you'd go off to the bus

You'd look out at the fields on your way to work

And for some reason,

Send me pictures of cows

You'd be at work right about now

And I'd finally be stirring from my sleep

Just to roll over and see your name on my phone

And contentment would roll over me



Making my skin warm and my cheeks blush

And in that instant

The whole day would be brighter

You'd have held me in your arms again by now

If things were different

If you hadn't disappeared

If I hadn't been left without a word

We'd be planning your trip back to me

So you could hold me

And kiss me


Because there'd be no reason to rush

No reason to push

Everything could've been as simple as nature

You would have told me why by now

If you really did love me

You would have told me why

Because years later

I still don't know

And I lay awake at night

Even though I don't remember the sound of your voice

The way you smell

Or how it felt to have your arms around me

I lay awake and wish that

You would have done me that courtesy

But you didn't

And you won't

But I wish you would have

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