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Dedicated to jinzhulouie


Your friends were all sitting at your usual table with you.

Harmony, a tall, mixed Asian girl with a ukulele.
Melody, identical twin to Harmony, with a beautiful, melodious voice.
Jax, a chubby, Filipino boy, holding a sandwich with his calloused fingers from playing bass.
Mason, a buff, giant Caucasian dude, the best drummer you've ever met.
And you. The light skin, lanky dude with your guitar and a low soothing voice.

Harmony voiced her thoughts, "I wonder why she decided to choose music this year when she could've literally done anything else."

"I guess she just wanted to try something new," you spoke up.

"But did you hear her?" Jax asked, "Her voice was amazing!"

"Yeah," Melody scoffed, "she's also good at cheerleading and drama and art and technology. How the hell is she friends with everybody? I mean, who does she even sit with?"

Mason looked around in hope of finding where she sat.

You thought back to when she walked out of the cafeteria with disappointed eyes.

"I don't know," you spoke, "I really don't know."

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