Chapter 4 ; Meetings

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"I don't like the way he's looking at you, I'm starting to think you want him too." Jealous – Nick Jonas

Layla's POV:

"Thanks." I smiled politely at the waitress as she placed a plate in front of me. In the diner, Justin sat across from me slouched on the booth. "I didn't even know this place existed," I murmured to him.

"I come here all the time, its close to garage." He replied as I peered warily at the big men all around me in the diner. Feeling extremely out of place, I placed a fry in my mouth.

"So what do I need to know for tomorrow." He finally made eye contact. "I guess what every 'boyfriend' would know. So what do you do again?" I said taking a sip of my sprite.

"I'm a mechanic remember? I'm twenty-two, I'm from Canada. I have a brother, that's about it."

I zoned out, too busy staring at his arms in the grey t-shirt he wore. Damn, his tattoos were distracting. My eyes froze on a tattoo on his left wrist, what looked to be a woman. Justin cleared his throat, and I blushed.

"You like my tattoos?" he smiled slyly flexing his arm out in front of him. I giggled, "they're alright."

"Sure babe," he playfully rolled his eyes.

Changing the subject I interjected, "wait you're from Canada?". I suddenly loved Canadians even more.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"No no, there's nothing wrong with it. Have you met Drake?" I asked dreamily.

Justin bursts into laughter, "Layla, no," I rolled my eyes as we drew attention to ourselves in the diner.

"I just heard that he's always out and about in Toronto...." I trailed off, joining Justin, laughing at myself.

"Never mind. So twenty-two huh? When's your birthday?" I asked him, picking at plate of fries. "March 1st , you?"

"October 24th." I smiled, "so you have a brother?"

"Yeah, he's nineteen. His name is Jason. He works with me." Justin's eyes darted behind my head at the door of the diner.

''Oh that's cool, I love cars, I'd love to come see the garage.'' I said looking at him.

Justin raised his eyebrows at me, ''really?''

I laughed muttering an of course. ''My dad used to love fixing them up when I was little.''

When Justin didn't reply, I looked up to him, ready to speak until I saw a stony look come over his features.

His jaw clenched as his eyes were ablaze. A confused look on my face, I turned my head to look at the diner door. There, making his way inside. was the cute guy from the ice cream shop, Xavier, I thought his name was.

''Justin, what's wrong?'' I reached forward across the table to take his hand in mine. He refused to meet my stare, but rather sent glares in the direction of the door.

Just as I was about to ask again, Justin growled underneath his breath.

''Layla, let's go.''

Just as Justin got up from the booth, grabbing his jacket furiously, Xavier approached our table. Pausing in front of Justin, a smug look on his face.

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