Chapter 12 ; Interruptions

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'When I see potential I just gotta see it through. If you had a twin, I would still choose you.' Work – Rihanna ft. Drake.

Layla's POV:

I huffed, my hand swiping away the hair stuck to my forehead. God, I hated packing, never mind doing it in the sheer sauna known as my apartment. It had everything but an air conditioner, that I couldn't fathom. Although sweating and panting through my struggle of packing, there was a slight flutter at the thought of getting on a flight to Bora Bora tomorrow with Justin, and with Sara too of course.

Chortling to myself like an idiot, "Sure Layls, its holidaying with Sara and your brother's wedding you're excited for, not the fact you're sharing a room with your hot neighbour come fake boyfriend."

Truth be told, I was a terrible liar. Justin for one probably could see right through me anytime I denied that he had an effect on me.

Vibration and music erupted from my shorts pocket, signalling a new text message. Only I would have Hotline Bling as a text tone, singing along I opened the message.

Well speak of the devil, I thought.

Message Sent at 5:45pm

From: Jay

How's the packing going? You excited for tomorrow, I sure am.

He had impeccable timing, I pondered a response whilst my stomach grumbled.

It's going lol I hate it, wish you were here to help me do it x

Buzzing almost immediately after I pressed send, I smiled.

I wish I was too, work is too boring babe. I'll be all yours from tomorrow, now get that cute ass of yours back to work otherwise you'll be vacationing to Bora Bora with no clothes ;)

My cheeks flushed, I dropped my phone on the bed and continued the labor of packing the endless clothes I had to take. I wondered if I would remain in the baggage allowance, shit.


An hour later, I had finally finished and found myself behind wheel of my little Swift, zooming down the streets of LA to buy myself dinner. I honestly didn't know how I didn't weigh a tonne with all the junk I always ate, I guess my 21-year-old self had good metabolism.

In-N-Out sounded so freakin good right now, my mouth salivating at the thought.

Checking the time as I pulled up to the drive thru, the clock read 7pm. Maybe I should take Justin a little something, he said he would be working late at the garage and it's nice to be nice.

Deciding on it, I bought two meals and headed toward the infamous Alameda Square.

Nicki Minaj's Superbass played from my speakers when I pulled up to the parking lot at the Phantom Garage, where I assumed Justin would be working hard.

Locking my car, I made my way over to the staff entrance door that was always open, with the In-N-Out bag.

Rounding the corner into the larger staff lounge near the back of the building, I heard raised voices. Multiple of them.

It didn't sound like much work was going on here, I thought to myself.

"Scott would you shut the fuck up and actually listen to what I have to say."

Well damn, that sounded like Justin's voice.

"I am but I think you're overreacting just a tad..." A voice piped in, my eyes widened listening intently, not making myself known to the audience peeking around the corner.

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