Chapter 6 ; Jealous

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'Jealousy in the air tonight, I could tell.' The Language – Drake

Layla's POV :

I stared at the clock above the counter, watching the hand move round and round. My mind drifted elsewhere, thinking about numerous things. The wedding. Justin. Work. Justin. What I'd do when summer was over. Justin and his secrets.

I guess you could say he'd been at the forefront of my thoughts.

Hypnotizing, that was the best description of him I could give.

Sure his blatant flirty personality annoyed me sometimes, but all the same I loved it. Although I couldn't help but feel frustrated that there were parts of him he had yet to present to me. I suppose there was things he didn't know about me either. Does he have any friends? Who was that Andy he was on the phone to that night in his apartment?

I had so many questions....

"Excuse me, Layla?" I heard a small voice in the distance, pulling me out of my reverie.

"Sorry, what's up?" I mumbled, tearing my gaze away from the white clock. Ellie looked at me hesitantly, "Dave said you had show me how to work the till."

I rolled my eyes with a sigh, why was I left to train the newbie. God I hated this place, I hated working at all.

"Okay, here." I said tapping on the screen, showing her how to process a payment.

A while later, when I finished serving a customer, my phone buzzed in my apron pocket.

"Thanks for visiting Cherry on Top Ice Creamery," I plastered a fake smile on my face. Turning away from the till, my back facing it, I slyly pulled out my iPhone 6.

Message Sent at 4:30pm

From: Jay

Hey, what time do you get off tonight? I'll pick you up?

I guess it would save me walking home in the dark, I laughed at myself thumbing a response.

I'll be finished around 5:30 x

"Layla?" I put my phone away and turned around to serve more customers. I lifted up my gaze to see Xavier standing there, a trademark smirk on his face. Forcing a smile, I walked closer to the till.

"Hi, what can I get for you?"

"You." He said focusing his eyes on me.

Without a thought, I blushed. Fuck I needed to stop doing that. "Well I'm not on the menu, so what can I really get for you?" I said with a slight smile.

"That's a shame. I'll grab a vanilla waffle cone, while I wait for my sister to finish." He said.

"Ellie doesn't finish for another hour?" I said not knowing how to react to all the flirting I had been subjected to recently.

"I'll just wait around; besides you can keep me company."

My eyes widened, he was so forward. Almost as forward as Justin. Shit. I wasn't meant to talk to this guy. I could do what I wanted, I didn't have to listen to him. I huffed to myself before replying to Xavier.

"Yeah sure, that'll be $1.75."

He handed me a ten-dollar bill, telling me to keep the change, and leaving to sit in the corner once again. He must like that corner, as well as the fact he was always staring me out, he made me feel uneasy. Sure he was good looking. Extremely good looking. His eyes, oh man. They could make a girl weak at the knees. I shouldn't be thinking like this, why was I like this. But amid his good looks, he gave me bad vibes. Justin had a reason for his dislike, I was sure.

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