Chapter 15; High

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'I'm not looking at the phone, too much shit been goin' on but while we got this moment of peace alone, girl. We should just get drunk and fuck.' DnF – P Reign ft. Drake.

Justin's POV:

Earlier that day.

"J what do you say?" Andy's voice broke my train of thought. Andy being the joker he was, he held up a wig to his head across from me in the marketplace.

I laughed looking at the small ornaments laid out on small makeshift table, in the town's outskirts. "I'm sure Sara would love that bro."

"Who am I kidding, she loves to grab on my long locks as it is, I ain't need no wig." He had a smirk on his face. I went over to him and clapped him on the back, "You really like her don't you?"

"Man shut the fuck up, if any one of us is whipped it's your caucasian ass. Layla has you by the balls my man. I see the way you look at her."

"She's different, and innocent as fuck. I just don't want to drag her into my mess of a life." I stressed, my mind going into overdrive once again.

I didn't want to hurt her, the moment she walked into my apartment was a moment I would never forget, since then I had never smiled so much in such a long time. I wished I could open up to her and tell her everything, but it would only endanger her more if she knew the shit we were up to.

"Sorry bro, but you already kinda have. I see the way she looks at you too." Andy mumbled as I sighed deciding to change the topic of conversation.

I ran my hands through my hair, "So what the fuck is going on with Xavier now? Any updates from the boys?"

"I've got Val and Samir watching him, they seem to think he's got something big planned. He's coming after us J."

"Let him Andy, we'll be one step ahead, I can't wait to finally get rid of this bastard once and for all." I hissed, anger bubbling up inside at the mere thought of him, the one who had ruined my life.

"They know about Layla, it's not exactly safe for her." He sounded worried, Andy rarely ever did.

"She's safe with me." That was the end of that conversation.

Andy and I continued to explore the marketplace for a while longer, trying to waste time until dinner.

Layla had practically shoved me out the room and told me to make myself scarce whilst she and Sara got ready. I had almost joined her in the shower, hence the word almost.

"I'm going to shower, you and Andy should get out, explore a bit before dinner tonight." She had said whilst she held a towel dear to her chest, still in her bikini.

"You sure you don't want company? In the shower I mean, I'm good with my hands." I had smirked watching her tanned cheeks flush red under my intense gaze.

"In your dreams, Bieber." She shut the bathroom door in my face, I just chuckled before setting off to get Andy.

"Justin, look." Andy tapped my shoulder pointing me over to a small market stall in the corner, "Do you smell that?"

The two of us moved closer, "Weed Andy, it smells like weed. Don't go all googly-eyed on me."

"Sara said she had always wanted to try it, and you know I love my kush." I rolled my eyes as he rushed over to set himself up with some weed for the night.

I didn't mind the stuff, it mostly gave me the munchies and made me relax.

I did need to calm down, get my mind off things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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