Chapter 11 ; Open Up To Me

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'Stay with me, fulfil my dreams and I'll be all you'll need.' You Rock My World – Michael Jackson.

Layla's POV:

I felt my hand being tugged as I stood in a daze at the restaurant we were stood outside of.

"C'mon Lay, why are you just standing there. I'm starving." Justin mumbled, tugging me inside the door.

"Justin?! Are you insane? This has to be one of the most expensive restaurants in town. Have you seen what I'm wearing?" I rambled quietly, feeling diners' eyes on us at the door.

"You look gorgeous. So? I just wanted to take you somewhere nice. Let's go eat." He replied before turning to the woman, voicing something about a reservation for Bieber.

Before I knew it we were seated facing one another in what seemed to be a secluded section of the lavish restaurant, Craft.

"Jay, honestly you didn't have to do any of this. This wasn't part of the agreement, that was only for my family and the trip y'know."

"Layla Graham, are you rejecting me right now?" He acted shocked, a small smile on his kissable lips.

I let out an incomprehensible sound, before stuttering "Oh my god, no. No that's not it at all. I just don't want you to feel obligated to do this."

"So I thought. Is it so wrong for friends to go out for dinner?" Justin chuckled.

I shook my head in response, did this ass just friend-zone me after all the flirting he had been doing? Who am I kidding, my drunk self practically jumped the poor guy and left him to get over his 'little problem'. Wait, it probably wasn't little. Well I hadn't seen it, gosh why was I arguing with myself. He probably thinks I'm crazy.

I lifted my eyes to look at him, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he just stared at me. Yep, he definitely thought I was crazy.

"Stop overthinking, Lay. What do you feel like eating?" Handing a menu over to me.


Justin and I laughed uncontrollably inside the five-star restaurant as we nursed our full stomachs.

"I think I ate too much." I giggled adding, "I might have to unbutton my jeans oh my god."

"I wouldn't mind." He winked, his leg brushing against my own underneath the cloth-covered table.

I slyly rolled my eyes, "I honestly think you could flirt for a living, Mr Bieber. The girls must be just falling at your feet."

"I'm sure, but I have my eye solely on one right now." His confident demeanour almost diminished, as his eyes flickered between my own and the table.

Was he serious? This guy honestly had me whipped, Sara called it. Not knowing how to reply, I quickly changed the topic of conversation.

"So your brother Jason was nice, he works with you right?" I said with a smile. Justin broke out of his stare, "Yeah he does, he's a pain in my ass most of the time but he's all I've got."

A sombre look on his face now, I mentally cursed myself for being nosy. "You don't have any other family here in Cali?"

"Nah." He trailed off. Taking a hint, he didn't really want to elaborate, I left it at that.

"Thank you so much for dinner, you really didn't have to go to all this hassle. I would've been fine with McDonalds." I said shifting in my seat.

My mind wandered for umpteenth time that night, wondering why Justin had been so unwilling to talk about his family. Maybe it was a touchy subject? There was still so much I didn't know about him.

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