Chapter II

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17 year old Jen's POV...

I run down through the villages, towards the docks, my favourite place to go. Before it was because of the ships. Though I don't need to look at the ships anymore. I used to find them beautiful, but now it is not so. Their just my parents plain old Royal Navy ships, which come and go. I watch the sea, I don't really know how long I'm sat, but it must have been awhile. I stand and start so stroll back towards the palace. This time something inside me tells me I need to look up and I do. My eyes are greeted by a ship I have never seen before. I stand in aw. Then a mans voice startles me. "Beautiful, isn't she?" He asks. "Very". I say before I turn around to face the man. I freeze when I finally lay my eyes upon him. He is wearing leather pants and blue tunic and a leather waist coat. He has a black belt on and on his belt hang all sorts of things including his sward. He has black messy hair and pale skin. His eyes, well his eyes I can't stop staring at them. One eye is this piercing blue and the other is the same only its half amber. "Not as beautiful as you though lassie". Speaks the man brining me out of my daze. I look at the floor as I feel my cheeks heat up. "I would say not as handsome as you, but ships are girls and I've never heard a girl being referred to as handsome". I say and he smiles reviling a dimple on his left side. Then I hear the castle bells. "I must go". I say and I begin to race back towards the castle. "Wait! What's your name?"

"Jennifer May Marie!" I call back. "Ashley Renner!" He shouts and I turn and wave before turning back round and running off.


23 year old Ashley's POV...

I watch as she runs of towards the castle. Maybe she's a maid there. I think to my self. I leave my ship and crew on the dock and stroll into the town. I walk past people who seem to be very excited about something. I can here them laugh and whisper to each other. A man comes up to me and shoves a flyer into my chest. "Don't miss it, it's going to be the biggest ball Dhelhanear has ever had!" He shouts excitedly at me. I nod and he vanishes. I look at the flyer. Written in big writing along the top it reads, Princess Jennifer May Marie's Eighteenth Birthday. She didn't tell me she was the princess, though I suppose I didn't tell her that I was a pirate.


Morgan's POV 1 year ago...

I follow my brother down the cobbled streets towards the docks. He had told me that he had been asked to join a pirate ship and that I could go with him. I didn't say no, I agreed. I didn't want to loose my brother like I had lost my mother and farther.

When the ship came into view I shivered. It was huge and looked like it had seen many battles. We where greeted by its captain. "Welcome aboard The Wilting Rose laddie". He said loudly. I cowered behind my brother. "And who is this you have brought with you?" He asks. "This is my sister Cap'n". My brother answers. "I'm cap'n Hamish Black and what might your name be lassie?" He asks me. I come out from behind my brother and stand up straight. "Morgana". I answer simply. "Well welcome aboard Morgana". He says before turning. "Get back to work you yellow livered mutts!" He shouts at his crew and they quickly do as he says. "Now laddie what might your age be?" Ask the captain to my brother. "Twenty sir". My brother answers. "And you lassie?" He says turning to me. "Fourteen captain".

"Fourteen, you are a youngen, come on laddie let's put you to work". Says the captain and my brother follows him. He leaves me standing alone and I wonder up the stairs where the wheel is. "Hello lassie". He says getting someone to take over from him as he comes near me. He towers over me, pushing me against the side of the ship. "Mmm". He says. "Still soft like a baby". He leans in to kiss me, but he's pulled back by the captain. "Keep your hands of the lady mate". He says placing him back down on to the deck. He whispers something into his ear before he turns to me. "I apologies for my first mate, Jack can be a little over the top some times. What you say I show you where you will be sleeping?" He asks and I nod and follow him below deck. He shows me to the cabin I'm staying in. "You will have to share". He says. "That's fine". I say.

Suddenly he pushes me into the room. He locks the door behind him and swallows the key. I shiver as I watch the key go down his throat. He grabs me and pushes me onto the bed and climes on top of me, I try to push him of but he's to strong. He grips my face and pulls his lips to mine. I bang my head purposely on his and scream hoping someone hears me. "So you like to play rough". He says menacingly. He brings his lips roughly back to mine and I squirm to try to get away. I look over his shoulder, still trying to wriggle away from him and I notice one of the crew wide eyed looking through the window. I look at him pleadingly and he seems to sprint off. All hope of getting away from this horrid man is drained out of me. Though I still struggle against him, but still to no avail. Then he begins to take off his belt.


Gwaine's POV 1 year ago...

One of the crew comes rushing up to me. "Laddie your sisters in trouble she needs your help!" He shouts and the runs off, meaning for me to follow him. I race after him and follow him below deck. He is encouraging me to hurry, whilst pointing at a cabin window. I peer through and see our new captain forcing him self on to my sister. My eyes widen and I immediately spring into action. I push the man aside, draw out my sward and kick down the door. I rush towards my sister and the captain, who turns around. I'm stood in front of him whilst he tries to get his sward out its shaft, but it gets stuck. I look at my sisters tear streamed face and I boil up inside. I cry out as I drive my sward through the captains heart. He keels over in pain and looks me dead in the eye. I dig my sward in deeper and he grunts in pain. Then I pull back my sward and let him fall to the floor. I watch as his eyes roll back into his head. I wipe my sward over his lifeless body and replace it back in its shaft. I pull my trembling sister into my arms and stroke her hair. "It's okay I got you sis, he can't hurt you again". I say, trying to comfort her. I look up at the laddie who helped me and notice the most of the crew is now gather in the door way. Looks range from relief to shock to anger. "Come on everybody out!" Shouts the laddie that helped me. He ushers them out and closes the door. "Thanks and you are?"

"Oh my names William and it's no problem, I never liked the man anyway". He says. "I'm Gwaine by the way". He comes over and shakes my hand. "Nice meeting you, I'd be careful you might have a problem coming your way". I look at him confused. Then some comes into the room. "And it just arrived". Comments William. "You killed our cap'n!" Jack shouts. "He attacked my sister!" I growl back. Jack loosens up and smiles very cocky like at me. "Who wouldn't want to deflower a pretty little thing like her". He smirks. "She only fourteen!" I shout and I charge towards him my sward drawn. Our sward clash and I drive him out of the cabin. We continue to jewel as we make our way above deck.

Members of the crew hurry out or way. As I step past I hear one lad say, That laddie has no chance, Jacks the bets swordsman I have ever seen. I raise my voice as I force Jack up the steps onto the stern of the ship. "Well if Jacks so good, then you all won't mind placing a little bet!" I shout over them. I look at Jack who smiles at me deviously. "If I defeat Jack, then you are all under my command and if Jack defeats me, Jack is your cap'n!" I yell and they all arrrr back. "But to the death!"

"Brother no!" My sister shouts and I look at her for a split second. "Have a little faith sis!" I call as I continue to fight. I grab hold of a rope and bang my foot down on a leaver, making me go flying through the air. I swing of the rope and land behind him. I go to drive my sward through the back of his neck but he turns and blocks my shot. We continue to fight. He backs me up against the mast, so I spin round to the other side. He follows me as I run to the side of the ship in line with the mast. Then I run straight towards it. He tries to take of my head but I fall to my knees and slide along the floor. I get up and continue to run towards the mast, whit him still in toe. Then to everyone's surprise I do the unthinkable. I run up the mast and kick off it with my foot. I spin in the air, I look at Jack who is stood shocked. I pull out my gun, aim and shoot. The bullet hits him between the eyes and he drops like a sack of potatoes onto the deck. The crew gasps. I stand and look at another lifeless body. My sister hurdles into my side nocking me off balance a little. I hug her back. Then I walk up the steps at the stern and look out over the banister at the crew. I place the once captains hat on my head. The crew cheers and raised the mugs. "As captain I now choose a first mate". The crew all wave their hands at me. "Sister". I say and she joins me at the banister. "And for helping me, William". William joins me and my sister. I pour each of us a mug of rum. I raise my glass and down my rum. "Now get to work you scurvy dogs!" I yell and they all scurry off in different directions.


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