Chapter IV

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18 year old Jen's POV...

I was woken not only by the sun but by my maid shouting. I slowly open eyes my and look around, I panicked for a few seconds before I realise where I am. On the castle roof, curled up to Ash with my head rested on his shoulder. I lightly shake him awake. I place my index finger over his lips. "Shhh". I say and I point towards my bed room window. He sits up and peers over the edged. He smiles when he sees my maids head poking out the window. "If we sit here long enough she might go away". He whispers to me. "I don't think so". I whisper back. I quietly begin to slide down the roof. Ash grabs my arm. "I was being serious last night, if you want to get out of here meet me at the docks at noon, I will be waiting for you". He says with a smile. I nodded. "When I'm in my room I'll close the window so you can slide down the drain pipe". I whisper back. "See you at noon... Princess". He says as I disappear over the edge.

I swing into my room. My maid is waiting for me. She looks at me astonished. "What on earth are you wearing child! Those are boys clothes, your a lady. Get changed immediately!" She says, I turn and roll my eyes. I go to shut my window and I hear Ash laughing. I try not to laugh and I close the window. "May I take a shower madam?" I ask the maid. "You may Princess". She says and she takes a seat in the chair. I take in with me an old, but clean and neat dress. I quickly shower and slip on my dress. I roll my other clothes up and leave them behind the toilet in the bathroom so my maid can't take them off me. I will need them on the ship.

I come out of the bathroom and my maid stands. "That's much better Princess". She says, thankfully she doesn't ask about my other clothes. "Your parents told me to tell you that there going to sort out some business, so you must stay in the castle". I nod and the maid leaves. Once I'm sure she won't hear me I speak to my self out load. "Great the one time I need to get out, I'm locked in my room again". I sigh and begin to pack two cases. I pack some old dresses and some newer ones including the one Ash got me. I pack some fancy shoes and flats along with the slightly heeled black boots I stole a couple of days ago. In the other case I pack trousers and tunics, which I also stole. I also put photos of my mother and farther in there along with my baby rattle and blanket. I pull up a floor board at take out my belt and my sward which are also stolen. If my mother and farther new I had a sward let alone knew how to use one they would surely kill me. I pull my hair into a pony tail and sit on the end of my bed looking at the cases. I smile. "I'm finally going to be free". I whisper to my self. I sit reading my favourite book, it's called Ocean Tales.

Finally I glance at my clock for the last time. I place my book in one of my case and change out of my dress into trousers and green tunic. I slip on my black boots. I fold up my dress and put it into a case then I close the cases up. I pull on a white hooded cloak and pick up my cases. I tie them up in a few bed sheets and lower them out the window. Once they reach the floor I drop the sheets and clime out the window.

I clime down the drain pipe, when I'm about a foot of the floor I slide down the pipe. I quickly untie my case and pick them up. I turn and look out into the streets. I flip up my hood and begin to make my way towards the docks. I keep my head low as I walk. Good job it's a little chilly today otherwise I would look really stupid in this cloak. As I'm keeping my head down, I accidentally bump into the back of someone. "I'm very sorry". I say, only looking up for a split second to be met with a fully armoured soldier. I try to hurry past him but he shouts me. "You there, stay where you are!" I slow, but keep walking. "I said halt!" He says I stop where I am and listen as he comes up behind me. "Turn around!" He demands and I slowly turn around. "Show your self!" He demands again. I raise my hands and slowly bring down my hood. "Princess". He gasps. It is only now that I look up at him. I don't recognise him, I know most of the guards and soldiers. "I'm sorry Sir, but I was told to keep my errand a secret, no one must know I have left the castle". I say, hoping it will work. He nods and I nod back. I pull my hood back up and begin to walk away. Then the bells are sounded. I pause before running off. "Hey!" I hear the soldier call after me.

I reach the docks with the solders still in pursuit of me. Then I'm tackled to the ground, my cases slide across the floor. I manage to stand and I draw out my sward. Our swards clash together. We fight and finally I'm nocked down. Tackled to the floor again. Then the weight is lifted off of me. I hear the solider scream. I look up and see Ash whit his hand held out for me to take. I gladly take it and he pulls me up. "We must hurry". I say pointing at the guards that are charging towards us. Ash picks up my case and urges me to run and I do.

We make our way aboard the Cordelia. Once on board Ash immediately starts barking orders. "Hoist the anchor, set the sails!" His crew gets to work. A solider starts walking up the gangplanks and I back away. Then the ship start to move and the gangplank falls causing the solider to go tumbling into the cold icy water. The crew all stop and look at me. "Cap'n, what is this?" One of them asks, gesturing towards me. "She isn't a this she's a person and she has a name". Ash answers sounding a little agitated. "Meet Jennifer May Marie, she will be staying with us".

"But cap'n, it's bad luck to bring a woman aboard". Says the same man. "And it's bad luck to question the cap'n". Replies Ash, pointing his sward at the mans throat. This for some reason makes me smile. "Ye_ yes cap'n". Says the man before scurrying off. Then two other men come over. On looks a lot like Ash, the same dark hair but shorter and the same bright amber eyes but without the blue. He's slightly shorter and looks slightly younger. "Your Ash's brother". I say sticking out my hand. "That I am, my name is Drew, it's a pleasure meeting you". He says taking my hand and shaking it. "Like wise". I say and he smiles. The other man has dirty blond hair, bright blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. "This is my other first mate Arthur". Ash says introducing him. I stick out my hand and he shakes it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Jennifer". He says. "Please call me Jen". I ask and they nod. "Get to work you scurvy dogs!" Ash shouts at his crew and they get to work. The sun was starting to set and I watched as it did from the bow of the ship. I could hear the crew working behind me. "Arthur!" I hear Ash shout. I turn and watch as Arthur takes the helm form him. Ash begins to walk over to me. I smile at him as he does. "Are you okay?" He asks as he comes over. "I'm fine, just watching the sun set". I answer."Aye, I do love the way the colours reflect in the water". He says back. I yawn and bring my hand over my mouth. "You've had a trying day, let me show you to your cabin, I hope you don't mind sharing".

"No, not at all". I say, I follow him and he stops before we enter the door to pick up my cases. We enter a door situated under the stairs. "This is my cabin and that's Arthur's and Drew's just across from me. You can take my bed, I will sleep in the hammock". He smiles at me and pushes the door open. I walk in and he follows after me. The cabin is lit with oil candles and smells of wax and rum. It's a surprisingly pleasant smell. "Thank you, you have been very kind". I say as I turn to him. "Tomorrow I can show you how to steer the ship, if you would like that is?" He questions. "I would like that very much". I answer. He sets my bags down gently by the bed. "Aye, well then I will leave you to get some shut eye". He says and he smiles before closing the door.

I turn around and take in the room. There's a small porthole at the end of the cabin, and hammock hangs in front of it. The bed is opposite the door and there's also a porthole above that. There's a wooden trunk at the foot of the bed, it's locked with a pad lock. I open my case and pull out a pair of pyjamas. I slip off my trousers and tunic and pull on the nighty on over my head. I shove my clothes back in my case and push both cases under the bed. I snuggle down into the cover. Its a bit itchy, but I'm sure I will get use to it. I lay with my eyes closed and finally the sent of wax and rum sends me into a deep sleep.


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