Chapter XII

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18 year old Jen's POV...

Being six months pregnant is not all that fun. I can hardly do anything, even scrubbing the deck is a chore. Though I'm not complaining, much. I can't wait to meet my daughter or sun. Ash is really excited now too. In fact all the crew is. Only four months left to wait and they couldn't come soon enough. Thankfully we haven't run into Stark in a while now. Though I'm sure he is still trying to track us down. At the moment I'm sat in the crows nest on look out. It's early in the morning and the sun had just began to rise. "Hey Jen come down here!" I hear Ash call me and I slowly clime down the rope. Once I reach the deck I take a minute to catch my breath. Ash come over to me. "I have something to show you". He says taking my hand and guiding through the crew towards the stern of the ship.

We enter through the cabin quarter doors and walk down the stairs. We stop out side the third cabin door. It's been decorated with white, pink and blue flowers and small animals. In all my time on the ship I had never been in this room. "You can go in". Ash say gesturing for me to enter. I turn the new crystal door hand and push open the door. My mouth drop open when I see what's inside. Ash steps in beside me closing the door behind him. A tear rolls down my cheek and Ash wipes it away. "Aww baby don't cry". He says brining me into his arms. "What's wrong?" He asks and I laugh through my snivels. "These aren't tears of sadness there tears of joy". I answer him. "Do you like it?" He asks sounding a little nervous. "No, I love it". I say kissing him quickly. "I had wondered what all the noise was lately". I say as I take in the room. In the middle is a wooden shabby crib with baby white blankets and a few teddies. Above the crib dangles a carved wooden moon. All the rest of the furniture match. The wood where the door is has been painted white and the opposite wall where the port hole is has been painted blue. In the corner near the port hole there's a little play area set out with wooden toys Ash and the crew have carved. "He's going to love it". I say. "He?" Ash questions. "Well he or she, but I have a feeling where having a boy". I say and he smiles.


23 year old Ash's POV...

I was so glad she liked the nursery. Making her happy makes me happy. I didn't even have to really ask the crew to help they just offered, they all love Jen. We leave the room and I close the door behind me. Jen walks across into our cabin and I follow her. I back her up against the wall and kiss her passionately. It takes a moment for her to respond, but she does. I brake to catch my breath. I feel her lips curl into a smile. "Get some rest". I whisper and she nods. She climbs into bed and I lay down next to her. I softly stroke her hair until she falls asleep. I lean over her and kiss her forehead before leavening.

I emerge from below deck and step out into the blistering heat. It's been so warm lately. Most of the crew work without a tunic. I pull off mine and tie it round a spindle on the stairs as I pass. I make my way up the stairs at the stern of the ship. Drew and Arthur are sat with their backs slumped against the ship. They also wear no tunic and are poring water over each other. I laugh to my self and take the helm from another member of the crew. "You two are very lazy!" I shout back to Drew and Arthur. "Where lazy!" Exclaims Drew. "Your the one who got up after sun rise not me". He comments, it's the truth I had slept in. "True, but you don't have a pregnant wife to take care of". I answer back and he shuts up.


24 year old Arthur's POV...

I'm so happy for Ash and Jen I really am, but I can't help but think of Low. It pains me every time I see Jen, they look so happy. I remember being that happy once. I don't think I will ever be so happy again. Though I can't wait to become a uncle. Jen says I can be a second uncle. Uncle Arthur. It sounds kinda strange, but I like it at the same time. Ash was going to be Henry's uncle so he said I could be his kids uncle. I close my eyes and picture me and Low walking down the street. A time when I was happy.


22 year old Drew's POV...

I'm so happy for Jen and my brother. I've actually never seen my brother this happy since our farther passed away. It's good that he's happy. I hope I will be that happy some day. Though I can't ever see my self having kids of my own. I'm so excited to met my niece or nephew. I thought of some names, but Ash didn't like them. He said he'd already picked one, but he won't tell me what it is. Jen said she would let him pick a boys name if it was a boy and if it was a girl she would choose. Though she thinks it's going to be a boy. I wonder if my brother has told her the name he's picked. Hopefully he has because if Jen doesn't like it I don't know what he will do. Though I know Jen will probably like the name no matter what it is.


21 year old Gwain's POV...

I'm still on the trail of Renner. Everyday my longing for revenge grows deeper. I hope he's cowering in a corner somewhere. I hope he knows I'm coming for him. Once I get my revenge I can finally relax. I know my sister misses me, I miss her too. She probably hates me right now and I couldn't blame her. If I was her I would probably hate me right now too. I hope she knows I love her no matter what.


15 year old Morgana's POV...

I hate my brother right now. All he cares about is getting his stupid revenge on Renner. He doesn't care about me anymore. I miss him so much, I wish things could just go back to normal. If we hadn't of joined the ship a year ago non of this would have happened. We'd still be the orphans living in our little village. My brother used to care, I wonder what changed? Was it me? I hope not. If so I wish he'd tell me what I've done to make him hate me so much. I love him so much, he's the only thing I've got left. If when we catch Renner, if he gets hurt, or worse killed I don't know what I would do. I sit up in the cows nest my legs pulled up to my chest tears racing down my cheeks. All this floats around in my head. Finally I manage to cry my self to sleep.


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