Chapter VI

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18 year old Jen's POV...

It's been a week since I joined the crew of The Cordelia. I often think of my mother and farther, I surprisingly miss them from time to time. Though what I don't miss is my princess life. I was actually quite glad that Ash didn't tell the crew about my past life, it would have made it harder for me to escape it. I do miss sitting up on the castle roof, however the crows nest kind of makes up for it and being on the sea, sailing that's the best thing ever. Especially when your on such a magnificent ship like this one. I can't even begin to imagine how Ash ended up as its captain. I've made a few friends. Ash included, and his brother and Arthur. The crew are slowly starting to except having a woman aboard. So at the moment pirate life is good.


Arthur's POV 1 year ago...

I walk down the streets with L'Oreal's hand in mine. She has one hand placed on her stomach. It's quit big now. We stop at a stall selling knitted baby grows. I give the lady behind the stall three gold coins for mittens and a little hat. I turn to L'Oreal and smile, I kiss her gently and then bend down. I place both hands on her stomach. "Hello little one, this is your daddy talking, me and mommy can't wait to meet you". I whisper my mouth pressed against her stomach. "Artie you now she can't here you". She says. "I know Low". I say back to her. We continue to walk down the streets towards the docks.

Finally we reach the ship. We are greeted by our captain. "Artie, your back". He teases. L'Oreal looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Only I get to call him that, Ashley". She teases back using his full name, which he hates. We all laugh. "Hey Arthur". Drew shouts as he walks past. "Hey Drew". I say back. "Come on Low let's get you below deck". I say and I help her below deck to our cabin.

We sit on the bed cuddled up together. "I'm so glad I met Ash, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met you". I say to her and she smiles.

I wake up and look around. L'Oreal is no where to be seen. I get out of bed and walk across the corrie door. I peek into Ash's room and he isn't in there either. Only Drew. I walk up above deck. I realise that where at a completely different port to where we where last time. There's only two boats. The Cordelia and another. It has a black flag with a white wilting rose on it. Across the back of the boat, painted in red is the name of the ship. The Wilting Rose. Then I hear a scream and two gun shots fired. I hurry onto the the dock and find Ash stud with his gun still pointed at the dead man lying on the floor. "Ash are you okay?" I ask. "Stay back Arthur". He says seriously. "It's only a dead body, I've shot someone before as well". I say and I step forward. "I mean it Arthur, go back to bed!" He shouts. "No". I say as I come up behind him. He tries to hold me back, but I manage to push past him. I step back and gasp when I see her. "No!" I cry out. "What did you do". I growl as I grab Ash by the collar and push him up against some barrels. "It's wasn't me. It was the man I killed. I saw L'Oreal walking onto the docks and I followed her to keep her safe. She was grabbed by him and I tried to help her, but I was to late she was already gone. I still shot him though". My strength drains away from me and I fall onto my knees. I crawl to her life less body. "Low". I cry.


24 year old Arthur's POV...

I sit on my bed with the little knitted booties and hat pressed against me. Tears stain my cheeks at the memory of her. It's been one year since it happened. When I lost the people I loved most in the world. Ash knocks on my door. "May I come in?" He asks. "Sure". I say in a dull monotone voice. He steps inside and closes the door behind him. He takes a seat next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Arthur". He says before standing up and leaving me alone once again. He's always felt guilty for what happened, because he wasn't able to save them. I always tell him that it wasn't his fault. Though he still feels guilty and I don't think that will ever change.


Gwaine's POV 1 year ago...

I'm woken by one gun shot after another. I quickly get out of bed and rush above deck. I find my sister sat shaking at the ships excite. I rush towards her. "Sister". I say. "What happened?" I ask, but she is unable to answer. I look up and see one of my crew lying dead on the floor. There's also a woman laid dead too. A man is kneeled beside her and one stands over him with his hand on the others shoulder. "Hey!" I shout and the man that's stood looks at me. He has a loaded gun in his hand. "You killed him!" I shout angrily. "He just shot a pregnant woman for no reason!" He growls back at me. "I'm sure she deserved it". I say back. "How dare you, you cold hearted bastard!" He retorts. "Who do you think you are?" I say angrily. "Ash Renner!" He answer back sarcastically. "You will pay for this Ash Renner, or my name isn't Cap'n Gwaine Stark!" I shout back. I help my sister up and bring her below deck. I won't forget about this, I will get my revenge.


18 year old Jen's POV...

I'm sat on my knees scrubbing the deck of the ship. Ash is sat on my left doing the same. Every now and then I will take a sneaky peak and sometimes I will catch him doing the same. Once the deck is clean I stand up. I must have stud up to quickly because I suddenly become dizzy. Ash manages to catch me before I hit the deck. I try to stand again but I can't. I look at Ash. "What's happening to me?" I question, my voice shaky. "I don't know". He answers sounding as panicked as I do. "Ash I think I'm going to be sick". I say and Ash helps me up and carries me to the side of the ship. "Don't want all our hard work to go to waste now do we". He jokes and I look at him with a look that says it's not funny. "Your right it's not funny". He says. I gag and through up into the sea. Ash holds my hair back for me. I through up a few more times. "Come on, let's get you to bed, can you walk?"

"I think so". I say, and I step forward. I wobble a bit and Ash picks me up and carries me below deck. He places me on the bed and then quickly goes to get a bucket. He returns with a bucket and places it by the bed. "Thanks". I say though I can hardly get the words out I feel so weak. After a while I become really cold and start to shiver. Ash place his hand on my. "Jen your freezing". He says before getting up and lighting the fire. He comes back over to the bed and sits on the side. I watch as beads of sweat start to drip down his face. "Your overheating". I say and he smiles at me sweetly. He takes my hands again. "And your still ice cold". He says. He doesn't ask to do what he dose next. He pulls back the covers and quickly climes in behind me. He pulls the covers over both of us and raps his arms around me. I don't pull away, it feels good. All of a sudden the sheets don't feel so scratchy and I soon fall into a deep sleep.


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