Chapter XV

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18 year old Jen's POV...

I'm standing at the helm when it finally starts. I fell this warm wet water trickle down my legs. I stop and look of panic washes over my face. Ash seems to notice as he looks up from scrubbing the deck. He races over to me. "What is it?" He asks. "I_ I think my waters juts broke". I stutter. Suddenly a sharp intense pain spreads out across my stomach. I cry out in pain and bend over my arm across the top of my bump. All the crew stop and look at me. "What are you looking at you scurvy gods, get back to work!" Ash orders them. "Okay let's get you below deck". He says before scooping me up in his arms.

Once where below deck he places me gently onto the bed. "I will be right back, I promise". He says and I grip his hand. He kisses my forehead before leaving the room. I scream out in pain again as a second contraction happens. Ash returns with Drew and Arthur by his side. "I need walk blankets". Ash orders and Arthur hurries of to get them. "Drew get me a wet cloth". He says and drew hurries off to. He comes over to me and takes my hand. I quickly take hold of it. I look up at him. He must have noticed how scared I looked as he squeezes my hand. "It's all okay, it will be over soon". He reassures me and then kisses the top of my head. The Drew returns whit a wet cloth, he hands it to Ash who then places it on my forehead. I scream out in pain again my grip around Ashes hand tightens. Then Arthur burst through the doors with some warm towels. They stand and look at Ash. "That will be all for now". Ash says and they both nod their heads and leave the cabin.

A long and agonising two and a half hours later my son is born. I watch as Ash raps him up in a blanket. Tears trickle down his cheeks as he smiles down at our son while cradling him in his arms. He walks round to the side of the bed and kneels down on the floor. "Let me hold him". I say tears also now streaming down my face. Ash passes our son over to me and I too cradle him in my arms. His big bright, but iced blue eyes stare back at my own bright emerald ones. He has the same eyes as his farther, one is bright blue and the other is half blue half brown. He has mousy brown hair like his farther too, but he has my noes and mouth. "No please may I know the name of our child?". I beg. Ash smiles at me, the most widest smile ever. "Iorek, his name is Iorek". He says. I smile down at Iorek. "Iorek, I like it". I say and I gently kiss his little nose. "I love you very much Iorek". I whisper to him.


23 year old Ash's POV...

I watch as Jen cradles Iorek in her arms. I smile at the two loves of my life. In that moment everything was perfect, but then that moment ended. Arthur burst through the cabin door. "I'm sorry cap'n, but we need you on deck". He says. I look at Jen. "It's fine, go". She tells me and I kiss them both on the head before leaving the cabin.

Up on deck it's chaos. I stop when I open the door and Arthur bumps into the back of me. "What's going on?" I ask. "It's Stark he's back, I didn't want to say anything to alarm Jen, you know what she like". He says and I nod and draw out my sward. I rush into action cutting down Starks men. The deck is little end with bodies, some dead and some still half alive. I then notice Morgana fighting one of my crew. All I can see is my son at that age having to fight someone twice the size of him. I rush over and push my crew member out the way. "I got her". I growl, so he thinks I want revenge on Stark. "Renner!" She gasp. I disarm her while she's distracted and pick up her sward. I put her over my shoulder and she kicks and screams but I ignore her.

I head down into the crews cabin and put her down. "You'll be safe here". I say and she looks at me bemused. "A young girl such as your self should not have to fight over such foolish things". I say before returning to the deck.

This time I scan the crowd and lock my eyes on Stark. I move towards him cutting down any one of his crew that gets in my way. Finally I reach him. He noticed me and smiles the most evil smile. "Renner". He growls. "Stark". I say calmly. Our sward clash tougher as we fight. Everyone around us stops to watch, but they soon continue on fighting. I continue fighting with Stark. "Come on Stark, are we really going to fight over such a thing?"

"You killed one of my crew".

"And he killed one of mine". I retort. We don't say anything more we just keep fighting. Sometimes it looks like he's about to defeat me then other times it looks like I'm about to defeat him.


18 year old Jen's POV...

The commotion up stairs  startles me. I had fell asleep with Iorek asleep on my chest. If this doesn't wake him nothing ever will.  I get up slowly and cross over to his cabin. I put him down gently in his cradle. I kiss his nose before leaving.

As I'm coming out the door I bump into someone. I look up and my eyes widen. "Morgana!" I gasp. She looks just as shocked as I do. We both draw out our swords. "I don't want to fight you have to believe me". She pleads. "Then what are you doing on my ship". I growl back at her. "Renner locked me in the crews cabin, he said that I shouldn't have to fight over such foolish things at my age, but he needs your help, my brother is desperate for revenge". She says and I turn and flea toward the stairs. I hear her running behind me.

I burst through the door and onto the deck. I scan through the masses of people for Ash. The noise of swords clashing is ear piercing. Finally I spot him fighting Stark. I watch as Stark drives his sward through Ash. Everything else that's going on falls away around me. "Nooooo". I scream as I move forward. Ash falls to the floor and everything comes back as he hits the deck. Everyone stops and looks at Ashes lifeless body. I crawl over to him. "Nooo". I cry and tears stream down my face. Stark looks down at me menacingly. He nods his head as he walks away and what's left of his crew follows. I watch as there ship sails away. "You will pay for this Stark. You will pay!" I scream as his ship disappears into the distance.

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