Chapter III

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18 year old Jen's POV...

"Jennifer hurry, you can't be late to your own ball!" Shouts my mother. I swear she swallowed a fog horn. I'm surprised she hasn't lost her voice yet. I'm wearing a new emerald green dress. It's suede and velvet. It has gold sequins on it, which creat flowers along the hem and they become thicker and thicker till just below my chest where they become fewer until there's just a line leading up between my breasts. The tie at the back is black silk and the red sequins are in on single line from the bottom of the tie to the bottom of the dress. "Jennifer May Marie that's not the dress your suppose to be wearing". Scolds my mother. "It was a gift mother, if would be rude of me not to wear it". I say raising and eyebrow at her. "I suppose it would, and I must admit that it's most beautiful, who on earth gave you such a lovely gift?" She asks. "I don't know it didn't say". I answer, the honest truth. My farther joins my mother at the bottom of the stairs. "Wow you look lovey Jennifer".

"Thank you farther". I say. He helps me down the last few steps as I'm wearing rather high black heels. My make up is done just how I like it, lightly applied. My long thick red hair has two small braids at each side of my head and they are pinned at the back, the rest has been left down, with its natural curls. I link my mother and farther and we walk towards the grate hall.

We wait outside the grand doors. When they are finally opened I look out over the sea of people. I take in a deep breath. I don't like big crowds and being fussed over to much. "Introducing Queen Ginny and King Joshua and their beautiful daughter Princess Jennifer, and a specials happy eighteenth birthday from me your Highness!" I nod and smile to thank the man. I walk down the isle that has been created with my mother and farther. Wow, I fell like I'm getting married, if only their was a good looking man stood at the end of this isle waiting for me. Actually that would kinda creep me out. I think to my self. I take a seat between my mother and farther. "Let the celebration begin!" Shouts my farther and the music is instantly on and people are dancing. I'm asked to dance by several Prince's and Lords before someone taps me gently on the shoulder. "May I have this dance princess?" I roll my eyes, as I'm getting sick of dancing with Prince's and Lords. Thought I'm pleasantly surprised when I eventually turn round. "Yes you may". I say and I take his hand. He spins me quickly and a giggle like a six year old. We dance for a while before I get an idea. "Come on". I say, I look around for my parents who are thankfully occupied.

I drag him behind me and creep out the doors. "Where are we going?" He asks. "Shhh". I say as I push him behind a pillar as a maid walks past. Once she's gone I drag him toward the stairs. "Well that was close". He says and I giggle again. "You should try and live a little". I comment. "Hey my life is full of daring adventure thank you very much". He says jokingly. I turn and smile. I stop out side my door. "This is my room". I say as I push open the door and step inside, letting go of his hand. "You can come in you know". I say and he enters closing the door gently behind him. "So why did you bring me up here?" He asks. "I will show you, I just need to change out of this dress, I don't want to ruin it, it's beautiful".

"I knew you'd like it". I turn to him surprised. "You". I say shocked. "Me". He replies. "Thank you, that was very kind of you". I thank him. "Your very welcome, a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl". I blush for the second time. "Will you help me with this?" I ask turning my back toward him. "Sure". He says. He comes closer to untie the back of my dress. I feel his breath on my neck and it makes me shiver. I try to cover it up. "I really shouldn't have left my window open". I comment. I can sense him smile. "All done". He says. "Thanks". I say as I walk in to my unnecessary walk in wardrobe. I change out of my dress into some black leather pants and a green tunic I stole. I tie up my hair in a green ribbon and walk out caring my dress. I fold my dress up neatly and place it back into the box. "Come on". I say as I hurry over to the window and begin to clime out.

Hands come around my waist sending sparks up my spine. "Are you crazy?" He gasps. "Yes". I answer simply. "Okay then". He says. "What you waiting for Christmas!" I call. "Nope". He says now right behind me. I push my self up onto the roof and sit down. He sits beside me."Wow". He says in aw. "I knew you'd like it". I say copying him. "This view is amazing". He says. "I know, I come out here when I feel like I can't breath". He looks at me with and eyebrow raised. "Don't look at me like that, being a princess isn't all you think it might be". I say. "You don't like being the princess, you have this castle and all them jewels".

"I don't care for jewels, I just want to be free, escape my prim and proper life. Maybe sail the seven seas, to never have to step foot upon these shores again". I say openly. "You know, I saw you sat up here before I had even met you at the docks". He says randomly. "Ye". I reply as if he had asked me something. "I was somewhat jealous, you sat up here watching the sun set like you had all the time in then world". He says. "I don't feel that way, with my parents it always council meetings and meeting with other royal families and studying and staying in my room all the time".

"Though I suppose you never listen to them?" He questions with a smirk on his face. "Never, I use this drain pipe to sneak in and out of the castle. When I met you at the docks the other day, that was the first time I had been allowed out with my parents permission". I say. "And these?" He says gesturing to my clothes. "Did your parents buy you these?" He asks again. "Ha no, if they caught me in these well you don't want to know, Miss Jennifer May Marie, you are a lady what are you doing in mans clothes get changed at once!" I say imitating my mother. "Wow you really don't like your life here do you". He says. "I hate it". I say and I let my self fall back so I'm now laid on the roof. I sit up. "Soooo". I say dragging out the word. "Tell me something about your self Ashly Renner".

"Like what?"

"Like, how old are you? Do you having and siblings? What are your parents like? What do you like to do?" I say rolling question after question off my tongue. "Well I just tuned twenty three, I have one brother, my parents died, and I like to sail, swim, I like treasure, and I like helping out damsels in destress, not that your in destress or need helping, oh and I'm a pirate, He says quickly and I giggle, his cheeks turn a little pink. I smile. "And I like being rescued by mysterious sailors". I say and he smiles at me. "I just told you I'm am pirate and all you say is that you wouldn't mind being rescued by me, so your not the least bit scared of me?" He asks shocked. "Nope". I say popping the p. "Okay then Miss Jennifer May Marie, tell me a little bit about your self". I scowl at him for using my full name, but eventually I can't help but smile. "Go on".

"Well I'm eighteen obviously, I don't have and siblings, you know what my parents are like, and I like red and green. I love dirt, the sea and the moon. I love watching the sun rise and set and the moon and stars at night". I say and I look at him, he's smiling showing of his dimple. "If you hate it here so much, the why don't you leave?" He asks. "All the ships that come here are Royal or my parents Navy ships". I say defeated. "Not all of them". He replies. "What?" I ask. "Not all of them are, what about The Cordelia?"

"The ship you came one?" I question and he nods. "Your cap'n would allow me aboard?" I ask. "I'm sure he would". He replies. "How can you be sure when you haven't even asked him?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. "Because I'm the ships cap'n". I look at him shocked. "So this shocks you, but when I told you that I was a pirate it didn't shock you at all, you are on interesting princess Miss Jennifer".

"And you are one interesting pirate Cap'n Ashley, and please call me Jen".

"Cap'n Ash actually". He says and we sit on the roof and watch the sun set and the moon rise. Somewhere along the way in our conversation we both must have fell asleep.


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