Chapter XI

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18 year old Jen's POV...

I'm now three months pregnant. Ash has officially band me from doing anything. Literally everything, I have to practically beg just to scrub the deck. It's kinda of annoying, but it's sweet at the same time. It's now May and I have been part of the crew for four mounts and married to drew for three months. We recently ran into Stark again. Ash with Arthur's permission finally told me who he is. I felt so sorry for Arthur, to lose his wife and unborn child must have been hard. I can't imagine how it makes him feel watching me and Ash start a family.

I make my way above deck carrying a bucket of soapy water in my hand. I carefully open the door and peek through it to see where Ash is. If he catches me he will take the bucket of me. I see some of the crew already scrubbing the deck including Drew. I place the bucket down and tie up my hair. I pull on a hat and pick up the bucket. I slowly walk over to where their scrubbing the deck so I don't luck suspicious.

I kneel down next to Drew. "Hey there matey". He says. "Drew it's Jen shh". I whisper and he looks up at me shocked. "Ash isn't going to like this". He says. "I know, but I'm board just sat down there, I feel like a prisoner again". I say. "You mean like you felt when you lived in the castle". He says obviously not meaning to as his hand goes over his mount. I look at him shocked. "How do you know that?" I ask. "Ash told me, he didn't meant to. He was whispering to him self about it and I over heard. I haven't told anyone I swear". He rambles on. "Woah calm down, It's fine, in fact I think it's time the crew new who I really was".

"You do?" He asks and I nod. "Yes, I know I have there respect, but I need it when they know who I really am. They might not like the fact that I was once a princess". I say and on of the crew looks at me. I smile slyly. "You meant to do that didn't you?" Drew asks and I nod. He smiles devilishly at me. "Ash isn't going to like that either". He comments and I snigger. Then I hear Ash's voice. "Drew have you seen Jen she's not in the cabin?" Drew freezes. I nudge him. "Answer him". I whisper while I continue to scrub the deck. "Well". Ash pushes him. Suddenly a lock of hair falls out of my bun. "Jen!" Ash gasps. He pulls me to my feet. "I thought I told you to take it easy!" He snaps. I step back shocked that he would shout. My eyes fill up and I turn away. I quickly clime up to the crows nest.

I slide down the mast and pull my knees up to my chest. I hear Ash reach the top. "Jen I'm sorry I never meant to shout". He says as he sits next to me. I turn my head away. "Please look at me". He begs and he take the hat of my head and let's my hair down. "Let me look at my beautiful wife". He pleads and slowly I turn towards him. "I'm sorry I shouted baby, I just want you to be safe, your carrying our child, just please be careful". He says and I nod. "I know, but I felt like I was in a prison again". I say and a tear managed to slip down my face. He wipes it away with a finger. "I'm sorry I made you feel like that, I promise I won't make you feel like that again". He says pulling me into his chest. I burry my head into him. "I love you". I whisper into him. "I love you too". He replies. "Now how about me and you go back down and scrub the deck together, like old times". He says and I nod.

Later that day when the crew have all gone to sleep I meet Ash under the stairs near the stern of the boat. He comes up behind me and places his hands over my eyes. "Ash". I laugh and I try to pull his hands away. "Trusts me you will like this". He says and I sigh. He guide me across the ship and up the stairs at the bow of the boat. "Ready?" He asks and I nod. He removes his hands and I gasp when I see what he has done. There's a blanket on the floor with food. It's light with candles and realigns hang from the mast all around the ship. I turn around and hung him tightly. "It's beautiful, I love it". I say. "Come sit". He says and we sit. We sit and eat and talk. We recall the time we first met and other stuff. Finally our conversation comes to a stop and I begin to fall asleep.


23 year old Ash's POV...

I'm leaned against the side of the ship and Jen is sat between my legs her back resting on my chest. We are talking about the first time we met and talking about Drew and Arthur. "I love you". I whisper as she drifts off to sleep. I close my eyes also and let my self drift off. I'm woken a little while later by Jen vigorous shivering. I look over to the stern and spot Arthur and Drew talking. I signal Drew over. I watch as he make his way towards us. I place my finger over my lips letting him know to be quiet. "Pass the blanket will you please". I ask and he rolls his eyes, but does it anyway. He places the blanket gentler over the both of us. "Anything else you want me to do brother?" He asks a hint of sarcasm in his voice and I laugh and shake my head. He leaves us alone and again I find my self drifting off to sleep.


15 year old Morgana's POV...

I'm bored once again. Ever since my idiot brother kicked Will off the ship I've had nothing to do. Though at least I can finally defend my self against the crew, not that I need to anymore. Ever since they saw me defeat my brother they've started to respect me. All I do now is sit in the crows nest. I hardly ever move, most of the time I even sleep up here. The only times I move is for food or if it gets to cold. It's kinda become my bedroom. I have my blanket and cushion up here and my sketch pad and pencil. Where still on the trial of Renner and currently we sail in the Caribbean Sea. I hope when my brother does eventually get the revenge he craves he will go back to his old self. The loving caring brother I once new. The one that wouldn't hurt a fly. Though I know I'm dreaming, he's been completely taking over by the sea and not in a good way.
I sit and watch as the sun begins to set. I pull my blanket over me and close my eyes. My face bathing in the warmth of the sun. Soon I'm falling asleep, and my dreams take over.


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