Chapter X

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18 year old Jen's POV...

Me and Ash have been married for two weeks now, and we are still happily sailing the Caribbean Sea. At the moment he is still okay with me coming along when they go to steal jewels or coins and he still lets me take part in battles when we are in one. Though I'm waiting for him to say that's it, your not fit to be doing this. I know he will eventually me being pregnant an all. I felt the first movement yesterday. It was wired. I kinda had a little brake down. I am only eighteen, that's quite a young age to become a mother at. If my parents new they would defiantly kill me. Ash helps me get over my uncertainty, having him around makes me feel like I can manage.


15 year old Morgana's POV...

It's been a year since my brother defeated Cap' Black and became cap'n of the Wilting Rose. It's also now been a year since my brother declared war upon Ashly Renner. He's obsessed with tracking him down and he never has time for me anymore. He never comes out of his cabin anymore. Me and William practically run the ship, we make sure the crew is doing what their suppose to and we make sure we have enough supplies. My brother is so oblivious he doesn't even notice how badly the crew treats me. All they see when they look as me is a pice of flesh. The only person who respects me on this god dam ship is Will. At least he is here to protect me, my brother won't even give up some time to teach me how to defend my self.

Currently I'm sat in the crows nest watching the sun set. The crew work quietly below me and Will steers the ship. Suddenly hands come around my waist. Whoever it is moans into my ear. He spins me round and brings his lips to mine. I push him back. "What the hell man!" I shout. "What, I thought you liked me?" He says pretending to sound hurt. "I would never like any of you dirty pirates". I spit. "Oh you don't mean that". He says before kissing me again. He's lifted off me by William. "Keep your hands of the lady mate". Will growls before throwing the man over the side of the crows nets. I watch as the man goes plummeting towards the ground. Luckily for him he manages to grab hold of the net. I turn to Will. "Thanks again". I say. "Your welcome, I tell you what, I'm going to teach you how to fight".

"What!" I almost choke. "Yea, when the crew are asleep tonight I'm going to teach you how to use a sward". He says. "Okay". I reply. "Be up here once the crew are asleep". He says before turning away and swinging down the rope. "I'll be waiting". I whisper so he can't hear me. I turn away and look back out over the ocean. Sometimes I wish I could just grow a tail and swim far away from this dreadful ship.


17 year old Williams POV...

I wait impatiently for the last member of the crew to head below deck. Finally he leaves, now there's just me and my best mate alone on the deck. I look up at the crows nest and spot Morgana still sat there. "Hey Morgana you ready". I shout handing the wheel over to Smithy. She stands and smiles before swinging down for the nest. "Ready". She says landing right in front of me. "Good". I say and I through her a sward. She catches it with both hands. I watch as she gets used to its weight by passing it from one hand to the other. She finally stops leaving the sward in her right hand. "Copy me". I say and I get into my usual stance. One foot forward one foot back and my sward forward, but not to far away from my chest. She copies my stance. "Good now, I will go slow at first and remember whenever your fighting watch how your enemy steps, but also make sure to watch what your doing". I say and she nod. I gently tap her sward before going for a more force full tap. She dose the same back and steps forward. I block her shot and we continue to fight throughout the night. By the time the sun starts to rise she has become really good. "I seem to be a natural". She says battering her eyelashes at me. Is she flirting with me?" I ask my self. Oh stop it Will, like she said she would never like a dirty pirate.


15 year old Morgana's POV...

Will has been teaching me how to fight for two weeks now and I have gotten really good at it. He says I am his best student. Then I say it's because I'm his only student and we both laugh. My brother hasn't been out of his cabin since last week, and honestly I'm completely fine with it, I've been having to much fun to notice. We still sail over the Caribbean Sea, I think we will forever and always be on the trail of Ashly Renner. I sit at the bow of the boat, my legs dangle over the side. Will joins me. "Hello Morgana". He says. "Hello Will, please how many times do I have to tell you to call me M?" I ask. "At least once more". He says smiling at me. We sit and talk as we sail on into the night. I can't shake the feeling that I'm begging to like him. We both turn to each other after a long silence and speak at the same time. "You go first". He says. "No you go first". I answer and he start blabbering on. "I'm not very good at this, but I really like you and_". He begins to say but I cut him off with a quick kiss, which soon becomes more slow and passionate. Then he's pulled away from me and I open my eyes and see my brother go to run him through. "No!" I shout. I pick up a sward and block my brothers shot. "Leave him alone!" I snap. "What do you think you doing sister?"

"Don't hurt him, it wasn't his fault, I made the move on him!" I shout. "Very well". My broth says turning around. He begins to walk away and I relax a little. Then suddenly he turns and goes for him again, letting out a battle cry. I block my brother again. "Brother please". I beg. "Move sister". He demands, but I do not move. "If you want to get to him you will have to go through me!" I yell. "If that is what you wish". My brother replies before taking a swing at me. I block him and we fight for a while before I manage to disarm my brother. His moth drops open in shock. He goes to reclaim his sward so I drop and roll picking up the sward before he can get to it. Now he looks even more shocked. I cross the sword round his neck. "I told you to leave him alone". I say growling each word. My brother nods and I finally hand him his sward. "I won't hurt him, but he is no longer a part of this crew and that's final. I want you gone. Ship to port!" Shouts my brother as we pull up to a random port.

I watch as Will walks down the gangplank onto the dock. "Will!" I call after him and he stops and turns around. I go to run, but my brother grabs hold of my arm. "Get off me!" I snap managing to pull my arm free. I run over to Will and stand breathless before him. I step closer to him and rap my arms around him in a hug. Finally I release my arms. I can't help but kiss him. I bring his lips to mine and kiss him for the second time. A tear rolls down my cheeks as I am pulled away by my brother. He carries me back aboard the ships and when I get a chance to turn around Will has gone.


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