Chapter IX

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18 year old Jen's POV...

I lay completely naked under the covers. I watched Ash as he gets dressed into some black trousers and a emerald green tunic. He sits on the end of the bed and slips on his brown leather boots. "I'm off to relieve Arthur from his duties". He says as he stands. I smile closing my eyes as I do so. I fell him kiss my forehead and I grab hold of his collar and bring him in for a kiss. "Stay". I whisper. "I can't_". He goes to say but I cut him off with another kiss. "I suppose another hour won't hurt". He whispers as he leans forward onto me. Once again Ash is completely naked and we are rolling around on the bed. Ash trails kisses down my neck and then looks at me. I smile at him. "I love you". He says and my eyes widen at the words that just left his mouth. Though the shock where's off after a second and I smile. "I love you too". I whisper back. This time his eyes widen. "You do?" He questions and I close my eyes and nod. Out little moment is interrupted when Drew walks in. "Brother do you want me_". He stops mid sentence when he sees us. He coughs to clear his throat. "As you where brother". He says before hurrying out the door. I burry my head into the side of Ash's neck and laugh. "It's not funny".

"Oh come on, did you see his face haha". I laugh and Ash smiles. "I really must go". He says as he rolls off me and gets out of bed. He quickly gets dressed and looks at me before kissing me quickly so I can't grab him. I watch as he heads out the door. I smile and rolls over so I can go back to sleep.


21 year old Ash's POV...

I make my way above deck and find my brother at the helm. Arthur is sat scrubbing the deck. I walk up to the helm and Drew looks at me and smiles devilishly. "I knew there was a reason you invited her aboard". He whispers and I give him a deadly glare. He holds up his hands and steps away from the helm. "Hey I'm not judging". He says. "Good because it's not like that, I love her". I say not caring about admitting it. "Tell Arthur he is relieved of duty". I tell him and I watch as he walks over to Arthur and they disappear below deck.

I sail over the Caribbean Sea. I smile to my self and let my mind wonder towards Jen. Her bright emerald eyes, bright but deep red hair, her pail soft flawless skin and rosy cheeks. Everything about her just makes me week at the knees. Then the thought comes to me. I want to marry this girl. I turn and look down towards my neck at the two rings that hang there. One is a deep, but bright emerald green diamond, my mothers ring. The other is a plain gold band, my farther's ring. I never thought I would be able to find someone worthy of wearing my mothers ring. Of course there's one person I have to ask first, my brother. I call over one of my crew to take over and hurry below deck.

I burst into my brothers cabin, forgetting to knock. I quickly turn away as he his half naked. "Don't you knock brother?" He asks and I smile and answer sarcastically. "You didn't". I say and eyebrow raised and he nods his head. "I suppose, so what seems to be so urgent the you have to barge in here?" He asks. "I came to ask for your permission to use these". I say holding up the rings. "Use them for what?" He asked confused. "To get married of course". I say stating the obvious. His eyes widen. "I didn't think I would find anyone worthy of mothers ring, but I have". I say. "Jennifer". He says and I nod. "Your crazy, Jennifer is way to good for you, it's as if she could be a princess sometimes". He says. "She was". I whisper to my self. His head snaps round to me. "What did you just say?"

"She was a princess, but she hated it so she ran away". I say putting it in the simplest way possible. "I think it's a grate idea brother and not because she was a princess, but because I to believe she is worthy of wearing our mothers ring. Besides you skipped right to step two anyway so you might as well". I look at him sternly and then smile. "Go get her tiger". My brother says pushing me out the door.

I cross the hall. I don't bother nocking I just walk in. I look over to the bed, but she isn't there. "Jen". I call. "I'm in the bathroom". She says and I hear her coughing. I rush over to the bathroom, well toilet. She's leaned over it. "Oh let me help". I say as I pull her hair back. She throughs up a couple more times before sitting back on her knees. "Are you getting a fever again?" I question while placing the back of my hand on her head. "I don't think it's that". She says as she stand and walk over to the mirror. She stands in front of it, her hands on her stomach. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask now getting worried. She turns to me. "I'm pregnant". She whisper. I almost choke. "What?" I gasp. I step forward slightly. She stays silent. I notice tears fall down her cheeks. "No, I didn't mean it like that". I say as I bring her into my arms. "It's just a surprise, that's all, but it's a good surprise". I say. "It's is?" She asks and I take her head into my hands. "It is. I mean I came in here to surprise you, but you beat me to it". I say and laugh. "Surprise me with what". She asks curiously with her eyebrows raised. I don't speak I just get down on one knee. I hold up the ring which I had already took off its chain. "Will you marry me?" There's a long nerve racking silence. Finally she answers me. "Ha yes, yes I'll marry you". She says jumping into my arms. I let out a breath. "Thank god". I say as I hold her tightly. She brings my lips to hers and kisses me deeply.


18 year old Jen's POV...

I had imagined my wedding to be complete over the top, white gown the lot, I also imagined marrying someone that I didn't love, but this is perfect. I'm wearing the green dress Ash got me, my hair is all down in its natural thick curls, I wear no make up and I have no shoes on. The crew are the only people who will witness my marriage to Ash. Arthur being my closest friend will give me away. Drew is Ash best mam and is also the person over seeing the marriage. I stand with my feet dug into the warm yellow sand of a random island we came upon. The crew crest the isle and at the other end Ash waits for me. He wears is one and only black suit. Arthur and Drew give each other a slight nod and we begin to walk down the isle.

Arthur smiles as me and let's go, handing me over to Ash who takes my hand in his. I look up at him and smile. "I'm most honoured to officiate this most lovely union. My brother up until now has been the only family I had left, I'm very honoured to finally be able to call you sister. Even if it is just in law. So let's begin. Brother do you take one Miss Jennifer May Marie to be your wife?"

"I do".

"Do you promise to have and to hold her in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do".

"Jen, do you take one Cap'n Ashly James Renner to be to husband?"

"I do".

"Do you promise to have and to hold him in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do".

"You may now place the rings upon each other's fingers". Ash takes my hand gently and gently slide on his mother beautiful ring. I then take his hand and slide on his farther golden ban. "You may kiss your bride". Arthur says a little louder. Ash bring my lips to his and kisses me deeply, I kiss him back and we don't brake until we need to come up for air. The crew cheers and they all raise their mugs of rum before downing the contents. Me and ash laugh at the crew. He places one hand on my stomach and winks at me. I start to shake my head. "No, no". I say whilst laughing but her ignores me. He raises his hand to gain everyone's attention. "I and my lovely new wife have some news we would like to share with you all". Ash starts and I burry my head into the crook of his neck. I see Arthur and Drew looking at us, whit confused expressions across their faces. "Where going to have a baby". I watch as the mouths of the crew drop, which makes my smile. Arthur and Drew come over and congratulate us. Finally the shock wears off and the crew also congratulate us.

Me and Ash spend the night alone on the island with a fire. While the crew return to the ship. I curl up on the send by the fire into Ash's chest and close my eyes. Ash kisses my forehead gently. "I love you both". He whispers as I drift off to sleep.


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