Chapter VIII

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21 year old Ash POV...

It's been a month since Jen joined my crew. She's fit right in, all the crew respect and get along with her. She helps with work on the ship, and is never against a bit of plundering. She actually quite enjoys it. She says she likes the danger. She was meant to be a pirate, it suits her much better than being a princess. We now sail in the Caribbean Sea. I secretly watch Jen from the crows nest. She's sitting at the front of the ship, on the nautical head. Her hair sways behind her as the wind whips at her face. She wears the dress I bought her. As I watch her I know I'm falling for her. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I spot a ship catching us. "Hey Arthur!" I shout and he looks up at me. I point at the ship. I watch as he pulls out his spyglass. "Cap'n it's Stark he caught us!" He shout back to me. I quickly swing down from the crows nest and begin barking orders."Ready the guns, get to your stations!" I order and the men spring into action. Jen rushes over to me. "What's going on?"

"It's Stark". I reply and she looks at me confused. "I will explain later, but I want you to go below deck and stay there, don't come out no matter what you hear".

"But I wanna help". She whines. "No, it's to dangerous, savvy?" I ask and she nods once and walks away, pouting out her bottom lip. I watch to make sure she does indeed go below deck. Once I'm sure she's safe I grab my sward and get back to work.


18 year old Jen's POV...

I sit below deck with my face pressed up against the port hole. I try my hardest to see if I can see the other ship, but all I can see are waves. I jump when I hear the cannons fire. I here fighting on deck and I stand and make my way towards the door, but I stop before I reach it. Ash's voice rings clear in my head. He told me to stay below deck. Why? He normally let's me fight. Who is this Stark person? I've never heard of him before. I want to stay and do as Ash said, but eventually my love for danger takes over and I'm grabbing my gun and sward.

On deck there's total chaos. People are fighting left and right. I scan the crowd and notice Ash fighting two guys at once. I fight my way towards him. He turns his back on one to stop the other. The pirate goes to drive his sward through Ash's back. "Ash watch out!" I say before I shoot. The bullet slices straight through the Pirates heart, killing him instantly. Ash's head snaps toward the the dead pirate lying on the ground then towards me. I rush over to him. "I thought I told you to stay below deck!" He shouts, so I can hear him over the clashing of swards. "Aye, but I thought you knew that I never listen". I say and he smiles at me. A crowd gathers as I kill enemy after enemy. Finally the captain of the enemy ship raises his hand and clenches it into a fist. His crew stop fighting. Ash's follow. "Renner". Says the man sarcastically. "It's nice to see you again". He swings over from his ship onto ours. He walks down the isle that has been created. A girl and boy follow behind him. I stand with Ash along with Arthur and Drew. "We meet again".

"What do you want Stark?" Ash snaps. "You know what I want Renner, what I've always wanted". Stark replies menacingly. "Revenge, where still on about that, get over it already, I bet you didn't even know the guys name!" Ash snaps again. "I did his name was_ was".

"Hammy Cap'n his name was Hammy". Recalls the boy stood behind him. "His name was Hammy, thank you Will". Stark says. "Whatever, you had hardly been the captain for a year, I know because I was familiar with Cap'n Black".

"Yes and who killed the infamous Cap'n Black I can't remember, would you be so kind to remind me sister".

"You brother, you killed him". Answers the girl. She has long curly black hair, deep dark blue eyes and pail skin and red cheeks. "Yes and he killed a pregnant lady!" Arthur snaps. Stark looks at him for a moment. "Oh yes, now I remember you, you where the on crying about it". Stark remarks. "Get off my ship Stark, you've had your fun!" Ash snaps. "Tell you what, I will leave your ship, if_ if one of your crew, of my choosing can defeat my most skilled swards man".

"Fine". Ash says rolling his eyes. Stark whistles and I watch as a huge pirate swing over from the ship. He lands on the deck making it shudder. "Meet Pablo". Says Stark. Pablo growls. "Now I choose, oh let me see, let me see". I watch as he scans the crowd, finally his eyes lay upon me. Ash steps forward. "Absolutely not". Says Ash. "Oh, but we had a deal Renner".

"I don't care, she's not fighting and that's final". Snaps Ash. Stark smiles devilishly. He leans in and whispers. I listen in. "She will fight, other wise I will just have to tell a certain King and Queen where there beloved daughter is". Ash's eyes widen. "You wouldn't dare".

"Try me". Snaps Stark. I place my hand on Ash's shoulder and smile slightly. Then I step forward drawing out my sward. "What's you name princess". Teases the pirate. "Jennifer, and I'm no princess". I growl slash snap at him. "Ha feisty this one". He Comments . "Well, let battle begin!" We begin to fight and I block strike after shot after strike. We jewel for a while before finally he is able to drive his sward through my side. I keel over in pain. "Jen!" Ash shouts and he try's to rush over to me, but Stark stops him. "Finish her". Says Stark. Pablo pulls out his sward and I grit my teeth. He leans in to whisper to me. "You gave it you best lassie, but turns out your best isn't good enough". All the while he is whispering to me I'm secretly pulling out my gun. "No my best is good enough, you want to know why, because I learnt from the best, and that person thought me, never stop and talk to your victim before you kill them". I say and I whip out my gun and put a bullet between the Pirates eyes. He topples over and I manage to roll out the way before he lands on me. "Jen!" Says Ash as he pushes past Stark and drops to his knees by my side. "Jen". Ash says again. "I'm okay, I'm going to be alright". I say taking his hand. Ash pulls a knife for his boot and cuts the bottom of his top, he scrunches it up and puts it over my wound. The he turns to a shocked looking Stark. "Now, get off my ship!" Ash growls each word making his voice louder every time. Starks crew scurry onto their ship. "Well played princess". Says Stark before returning to his ship and sailing away. "Oh Jennifer". Says Ash, I watch as he tries to hold back his tears. Why's he crying over me? I wonder to my self. Then suddenly he's scooping me into his arms and carrying me below deck.

Below deck he places me gently onto the bed. He rushes around looking through bottles that's are stood messily in the shelves. He pops of each lid and takes a quick sniff before popping the lid back on. Finally he finds the one he's looking for. He places it by the bed and then grabs a small wooden box of the shelf next to it. He place the box on the floor and picks the bottle back up. "What is that?" I ask, but I don't get a straight answer. He just takes my hand and smiles slightly at me. "I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt". He says, before popping off the lid. He keeps hold of my hand as he pours the liquid over my wound. I squeeze his hand, flinch and try to pull away. "It's stings". I moan as a tear trickles down my cheek. "I know, I'm sorry, but if I don't it will get infected". He says. He hands me the bottle. "Drink". He says and I look at him weirdly. I don't ask questions I just take a sip. "Rum". I say and smile. Arthur come in. "Arthur is going to stitch you up okay". He says and I nod. Ash sits next to me, still with my hand in his. I watch as Arthur threads the string through the needle. "Don't look". Ash says as he takes my head and bring it towards his neck. I bury my head in to his neck. "All done". Arthur says finally. I look down at my now closed up wound. Ash helps me stand. "I'm just going to put a bandage over it". He says. Once he's done he sits me back down onto the bed. Arthur tidies up and then leaves the cabin.

"Now this time when I say no, will you please listen to me?" He asks and I nod. "I thought I'd lost you". He says, he looks at me, looking shocked at what he just said. "But you didn't, I'm right here". I reply. "I don't know what I would have done if he had of killed you". He says and he continues to ramble on. What I do next surprise me. I shut him up by kissing him. Just a peck but it works. We stare at each other for while before he brings me in for a more slow, passionate kiss.


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