Chapter XIV

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21 year old Gwain's POV...

Every time we get close to Renner he seems to get further away. It's been ages since we last had a run in. The last time I had some real fun was when I made that princess fight my best fighter. I'm still shock even now, I didn't think she would defeat him. She must be stronger than she looks. Either that or she had luck on her side. I would bet it was luck. Though I will have to keep an eye on that one. Hopefully I won't be long before I get my revenge.


15 year old Morgan's POV...

I've decided to wait and see how things turn out after my brother finally gets is revenge on Renner. I'm deeply hoping things will return to normal. Though if they don't I think I'm going to leave. Not for good, but I would love to have my own house on land so I wasn't helping my brother look for revenge every time someone hurt him. If he doesn't get his revenge soon I'm afraid he will never be him self again. When we finally catch up to Renner I'm going to help my brother to kill him. I don't want to kill him, but I want my brother back more.


23 year old Ash's POV...

Only one mount to go and I'm so excited I can't wait to meet our son. Everyone is now really excited especially Jen. She so desperate to know the name I've picked out for our son. I hope she likes it, I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't. I suppose we will have to choose a new one together. Where still in front of Stark which is a good thing. We have stopped working over time for a while just so we can all get our strength back. Especially Arthur, he's been working really heard. I think its because every time he sees Stark he can't help but think of Low. I hope one day he will find his happiness again.


18 year old Jen's POV...

I can't believe it's only a mouth to wait now. I will finally get to know the name of my son. Everyone is so excited. He's also going to end up with like over two hundred uncles at this rate. Almost every member of the crew have got him something, I can hardly move around in the nursery. Though I really appreciate what the crew is doing. There's probably never been a baby on board the ship before. Not since Ash and Drew where little. So I'm not surprised the crew are excited. Though they are not as nearly excited as me and Ash are. I'm kinda a little nervous to, I mean this is my first child. Hopefully I I'll be okay, with Ash by my side I should be fine.

We still sail in the Caribbean. We like it here. There are so many different island, you never know what or who your going to find.  It's really cold now, November in the Caribbean, it feels like I'm in the North Pole. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but I have gotten so used to the heat that when it drops even a little it really does feel like I'm in the North Pole. Currently I'm looking out the port hole in my cabin just watching the waves crash against the ship. The dull sound of the waves eventually send me off to sleep.

When I wake Ash I sleeping soundly in the hammock. I quietly get up and walk over to him. I kiss his forehead gently before creeping out of the cabin. I clime up the stairs and emerge out the door onto the deck.

Arthur's and Drew are at the helm. They shiver as they try to walk them selves up. I made sure I put Ash's big winter coat on. I clime the steps at the stern of the ship. They both look at me worryingly. I shake my head. "Get some rest boys, I will be fine for a couple of hours". I say to them. "But ash said you where to rest". Drew says. "Ash isn't here is he?" I question not really expecting and answer. They both bow their heads and hurry of below deck. I stand at the helm happy to be occupied again. I hope Ash sleeps for hours. I haven't been able to steer the ship in a long time. I actually miss it. I smile as I picture me and Ash teaching our son how to steer the ship. Just like how Ash thought me to. Who knew I would on day marry him, let alone be carrying his child.

A few hours pass when Ash eventually emerges on deck. By this time the sun has started to rise and I feel it's bright Ray's on my face. As looks at me, but not angrily he smiles and shakes his head. "Did you enjoy your self last night?" He asks and I look at him confused. "Did you enjoy steering the ship last night?" He asks again and now I look at him like how did you know. "I was awake when you left the cabin". He says. "You didn't stop me?" I question shocked. "I know you've been dying to do something around here, I though it would nice for you to steer the ship for a while". He says and I smile as he raps his arms around my waist. "Remember when I first though you how to steer a ship?"

"Yes, that's when I first realised I was falling for you". I say and he kisses the top of my head. "Well now the both of us will be able to teach our son how to steer the ship". He says and I turn making sure he has hold of the helm. I burry my head into his chest and smile. "Yes we will". I whisper. "I love you both so much". He says into the top of my head. "We love you loads too". I reply and we continue to sail on into the morning.


Love Without Flaws Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon