2. Step Aside

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Locker after locker, I slammed shut the doors and towered over my next victim.

"Now hand over the bag." I sneered.

"B-but its my l-lunch." My victim stammered.

"Does it look like I care?" My lip formed into a snarl.

Behind me my gang gathered. Mark, Kurt, and Chase stood pounding their fist with a devil smirk. The little nerd boy started to back away but got blocked by Mathews, my personal bodyguard.

"Simon says give up your lunch." Mathews spoke in a nonchalant voice.

My eyes trail to his lunch bag.

"Here take it but...but please don't hurt me!" He cried.

"That's better." I snatch his lunch and toss it back to my boys. "Maybe next time you might consider not to hesitate." and with that I pushed him aside and walked to the cafeteria as the bell rang.

"Aww man can't these nerds ever eat something more appealing?" Mark was already complaining.

"Hey at least its something!" I barked back with a glare.

I picked our usual seats in the very dark corner of the cafeteria and lit up a cigarette. The best thing about being alpha is that I can do whatever I want. Even in high school this was no obstacle for me. The teacher are bribed and the students fear me.

Except one...

Just when I was in the vending machine trying to get myself a drink, a small petite girl cut in front of me. She got a bag of hot cheetos and walked off like no big deal. Anger burned in me at her rudeness. Doesn't she knows who I am? I was just about to grab her by the neck but someone blocked my path.

"Leave her alone." A boy figure of her stood before me.

I blew a huge puff of smoke to his face and couldn't help but to laugh at his attempt of defending whoever she was to him.

"Do you want me to show them a lesson?" Bodyguard Mathews stood close to my side.

"No need." I gestured Mathews to stretch out his hand as I placed my cig in his huge meaty palms.

"Hey you!" I pushed the boy to the side and caught up to my cutter. She turned back as her hair flew to land on her shoulders. I froze as I took in her angelic figure. I couldn't help but drool a little as disbelief wash over me. How can a beautiful girl be the one who disrespected me?

"What?" She spat ruining my daydream.

"How dare you." Was all I could say.

Her light brown eyes scanned me and her beautiful thin eyebrows formed into a slight frown.

"You leave my sister alone." The same guy who blocked me ran to her side. To be honest they looked like twins. And if my hunch was correct I believe they were.

"Its okay Will I can handle him." She stood in front of me and glared into my eyes. "You need to chill alpha." She spat and spun giving her back to me.

My mouth gaped open as in the first time in my life someone dare talk to me like that. Not even my own mother could talk to me that way.

Her brother just gave a snicker.

"You!" The rage was controlling me. "Step aside." I growled as he too dared to challenge me.

"Says who?" He smirked.

"Simon does."

I shoved him aside and stomped off to my table, forgetting even to get my drink.

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