7. Help Not Wanted

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My eyes remained unblinking through out the night. Thoughts and more thoughts ran through my head. Everything just went down the drain and I am clueless what to do in the situation. I dragged my tired self out from bed and went inside my closet to get changed.

A knock on the door made me pop my head out from the closet. Brittany slowly entered and gave me a weak smile.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sorry?" I snickered sarcastically and pulled out my shirt.

"I don't want you to be angry with me," she kept eyeing my bare chest.

"Do you realize the situation you put me in." I walked past her, brushing my shoulder with hers.

"You didn't had to listen to me."

"It's not like I had a choice," I pulled out a black shirt from the drawer.

"Simon please forgive me," she placed a hand on my arm, "I missed you last night."

"Well you should of thought of that before screwing everything up," I mumbled and walked away from her to the bathroom.

"We were in danger. What else you wanted me to do?" She stood by the doorway.

"What you were meant to do," I splashed my face with water and turned back to her, "You should of just stayed with the kids in their rooms and I don't know how about clean the dishes or something!"

"Like a house maid?!" she gasped.

"Why don't you become useful for once?" I suggested with a roll of my eyes.

I was getting old by the second living with her. Sure I needed her but she was driving me crazy with her little dramas. Maybe it was time for me to leave...

"Simon? What are you doing?" She asked as her eyes never left from me.

"I think we need a break," I spoke out as I started to gel my hair back.

"B-Break?" She let out a squeak.

"It's not working no more."

"But we need each other!"

"I said a break! Not once did I mention that we were done."

"But the k-kids? What would they think?"

"Brittany seriously?" I chuckled with no humor, "They are kids. They don't care. Besides, I barely see them anyways."

"How long?" She asked with tears swelling up her eyes.

"Six months," I replied without thinking and grabbing a leather jacket from the hanger.

Tears cascaded down her eyes. She gritted her teeth together and stormed out from my room with a slam of the door behind her.

It's not like I said a year...

I gave out a frustrated sigh and started to pack my suitcase up. Just when I thought I was going to be alone, In came Mathews and Julius.

"Alpha?" Mathews looked worried, "We saw the mistress crying and running down the stairs. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Absolutely!" I clapped my hands together with a fake grin. "I'm just packing my stuff because I can't stand my woman's presence not after what happened last night with my filthy pack. Everything is going just swell!"

They caught my sarcasm making me frown.

"Alpha where to?" Mathews asked.

"To the city."

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