4. Plenty Of F-Words

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I dragged my tired self back to my car. I felt something off from my system...

Ever since I met that girl.

I pulled out my phone and there were twenty six missed calls and a spam of messages all from one person. My index finger slipped and unlocked one of the messages.

*Simon where are you my love? Why aren't you answering me? Did you forget you were going to meet my father tonight?*

It was sent after school today which I spent all afternoon in the janitor's closet.

My mate.

Oh gosh I totally forgot...

I jabbed the key inside the switch but my car wouldn't go on.

"Oh hell no!" I slammed my forehead on the steering wheel.

Today just wasn't my day.

I was about to call Mark for help when my phone flashed the battery symbol.

"What the fuck! Not this too!"

I tried resurrecting my phone but the screen went all black.

Definitely not my day.

Out of all days my bad luck had to strike in this precise moment. I was suppose to pick up my mate a long time ago but totally ended up forgetting her and our meeting we were suppose to have dinner with her father. With just two weeks away from graduation I wanted to speed things up so once I finally leave highschool, I can finally be a man.

And a powerful man needed his mate by his side.

I pulled out from my pocket a small black box and opened it. I diamond ring dazzled back at me.

"Ughhh things couldn't be much worse..."

"Actually it can."

I instantly turned my head to my car's open window and saw no other than the girl from earlier.

"You again?" I couldn't help but to frown.

"Who else?" she insolently replied back, "I also happen to be the parking monitor." She crossed her arms over her small chest, "Can I see your license and ID?"

"What the hell of course not!" I tried pushing the button so my window could go up but nothing happened.

"Then I have no choice but to call the cops," She threatened me with a finger.

"You can't fucking do that!" I barked.

"Your language needs fixing to be done."

"My car is stuck! What do you fucking want me to do about it!" I flapped my arms everywhere.

"I need you to step out from your vehicle."

"Oh for crying out loud!" I slammed my door wide open and stood in front of her. "You can't do shit like this. You are no cop. You are exaggerating the situation!"

"Then why did you obey me?" Her face expression softened as she tilted her head to one side.

Why did I?

I scratched the back of my head and let the last rays of the sun warm my face up. I wasted my whole day in a freaking janitor's closet only to end up in another dilemma. My mate needed me right now and here I was, being interrogated for no reason. If you can call it that way...

"Listen girl I need to get somewhere as soon as possible," I tried reasoning with her.

She had no rights to be doing this to me at all. For freaking sake I am her fucking alpha!

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