21. Wet Dog

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I was running through the forest, throwing limbs of branches out of my face as I ran. The forest I was running in was one of those places which had no palpable reason to exist. It was a creaking shack created by nature to serve as a reminder that things could always be much, much worse. The unnatural, choking mist that swirled and sprawled on the forest floor was the first thing that spoke of a strange sort of wrongness. The smoke made no sound however and only parted to swallow up my feet as I marched upon the rotten deadliness of the forest floor. The sound of mushy and dead leaves whispered from under the skin of the mist. All of that running led me to a fucking dead end. Tall trees blocked my path as I had nowhere to run and hide.

The sound of music made me freeze in my tracks.

"Simon...come back boo..."

I briskly turned back to see a shadow coming out from the mist of a smoke. My chest heavily heaved up and down as the shadow got closer to me. Light blue eyes and pearly white teeth became visible through the mist as a woman came out.

"L-Lydia?" I took a step back.

She said nothing as she kept sauntering her way towards me. Her eyes went from blue to black in a snap. In her hands she carried a small wooden music box. She craned the handle and stopped walking.

"Come back to me Simon... Come have fun with me..." She tilted her head to the side as the soft melodical music took over the atmosphere. She opened the small box and faced it towards me.

A little figure wolf went around and around like a horse from a carousel as the tinker sound of the music kept playing its tune.

"Circle and circle...you keep running Simon...You'll eventually come back..."

My breathing turned up a notch to the point I felt my lungs were dying out on me. The smokey mist starter to consume the trees, trapping me in a box sort of way. Lydia sneered and kept craning the box. Her eyes matched with mine and took small steps towards me. I've never been more afraid in my life especially afraid of a woman. Just the way she looked at me caused my teeth tremble. I scanned my area but there was nowhere to run to. The mist became thick making walls around me.

I couldn't help but to keep bringing my eyes to the figure wolf back and forth. I felt a twinge of  fear start to take over me. I made a run again, trying to run past Lydia, but next thing I knew it, one of my legs felt like they were being dragged down with weights. I look down on my leg to see Lydia sprawled on the floor, holding on to my leg with her dear life.

"Don't go boo...can't you see you owe us something?"

"I owe nothing!" I dragged her along.

"You certainly owe me." A different voice spoke.

This time both of my legs felt like they were stuck in quicksand. I looked back down too see this time Brittany holding onto my other leg.

"What the hell?! Where did you come from?!" I gasped.

"Come back Simon...we love you..." They both said in unison.

Brittany's blue eyes were wet with tears and Lydia had a crooked smile on her face. Both ladies held on to me making me trudge in the same place.

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