15. Get Him

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Angie's POV~

I dragged my tail on the ground as I trudged my way back home like a stray cat I was. Guilt is such a powerful thing to feel. It would be nice to have a lightning strike me in the moment. My lip curled into a form of a hiss as I let the anger flow out from my insides. My claws sheathed and unsheathed with each step I took. I had no choice but to go back to my shatter home.

A shadow loomed over me and Zack stood above me with his arms crossed over his chest. He lifted me off the ground and carried my cat form inside the apartment. With just one drop I transformed back to my human self.

"Here." He legit threw my clothes on the ground. "I'm done chasing after you. When I order, you obey."

"What are you talking about?" I changed quickly and got back on my feet.

"About Simon. I told you to bring him and what do you do? You run off when you had the chance."

"I'm not bringing him to you."

"Why not? Do you actually like him now?" His green eyes snapped at me.

Like him? Not in a million years.

"Ew no." I could feel my stomach turn into knots.

"I need him alive, Angeles. The idiot must pay for his father's sins."

As much as I wanted for someone to pay for all the innocent lives that died years back, especially for my mother's death, I couldn't bring myself into the sense of making Simon pay for something he had no clue of what happened.

Of something​ he had no doing in.

"I don't think Simon is the answer to all of our pains." I tried to bring Zack into understanding.

"No? Then who? Tell me why my family are now six feet below the ground?" He gritted his teeth.

Just like I lost my mother, Zack lost his whole family. His father who was our leader was the first to die and then his mother, his sisters, and his only brother. He was all alone in this world with nothing but hate and revenge. I couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. I placed a hand on his arm and steadily stared into his green eyes with a small smile.

As much as he tried to be bad, I know he was good. He was hurt and broken just like me. The only difference was that I knew how to control my emotions unlike Zack who knows how to take it all out on me.

"Oh Angie...why do you have to be so sweet?" His voice cracked and wrapped me in his arms.

His move took me by surprise as I stood there stiff. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed protective when wrapped around my small body. Despite the heaviness in my stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of his body pressed against mine. I sunk into his warmth and closed my eyes.

If only my life could be like this forever. 

I hugged him back tightly, my hands gently digging on the back of his head.

I have to do something to save the both of us. I was his only hope.

A knock on the door made my eyes open. Will slightly opened the door and popped his head in.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Not at all. Come in." Zack opened the door for him wider.

His eyes met mine and I couldn't tell if he was happy to see me or not. I did after all ran off without explaining him why I left.

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