14. Come

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I felt my smile drop as I stared at Angie's features.

What the hell happened to her???

Her light brown eyes met mine as mine never left from hers. Deep inside I could feel a storm start to brew inside my chest.

"Who did this to you?" I grabbed her from the shoulders.

"Don't touch me," she spat. "How did you find me?"

"I followed you." I truthfully told her.

After she was taken away from me, I couldn't just stand there and watch her get hurt by whoever Zack was to her. I stole some clothes from a hiker's bag and went in search for her. I don't know why but I just had to see her again. And once again I had her in front of me.

"You shouldn't have come looking for me," she took a step towards me, "I was going to look for you anyways."

"Seriously?" I couldn't help but to smirk.

"To talk, you big pervy. We both need explanations."

I wanted explanations since the first day I met her back in highschool. I grabbed her hand and waited for her to smack me or do something that involved pain towards me but instead she looked up at me and started to pull me with her.


Grass grew in tussocks and flattened in shimmering waves with each breeze of the wind, only to spring up as fresh as a bunch of flowers right after. Patches of snow was melting away and patches of green grass momentarily reflected the brilliant sunlight. Each blade was more than a slim wand of green, yet together they danced in a way that brought out my guilt and let a little goodness in.

Her brown eyes melted me with each blink. All I could do was swallow a large lump in my throat as we laid in the grass and stared at each other.

"We have to clear everything out." Her lips slowly moved.

"Go ahead." I could feel my adam's apple bob as I spoked. I wanted her to go first. More than anyone else I was the one who needed an explanation for everything.

She rolled over on her back and stared at the endless blue sky as I laid on my side and stared at the beauty next to me.

"You probably don't know this but... I really really really hate you."

"You don't say," my face went deadpan.

She slightly snorted and turned her head to look at me.

"I loathe you."


"You killed my family." Her eyes went dark as they stared at the deep souls of my iris's.

"I never killed anyone," my hands dug on the grass.

"You've killed many innocent people not just my family. You and your father both are responsible."

"I never met my father."

"No? Well you sure got everything from him. Oh so that is what my father used to say."

"Tell me Angie," I stared at the sky. "Why do you personally hate me?"

This question has been lingering ever since. She disrespected me as Alpha and has been running away from me. Why did it had to take ten years for a fucking answer?

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