6. I Need Another

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Ten years later~

A single snowflake descended from the sky just to land right in the tip of my snout. I shook my reddish brown fur, making melted snow fly out from my fur coat. It felt good to be a wolf. I was free, powerful, and overall in control.


I took in a large breath and closed my eyes shut. Ever since I got married to Brittany, my life was turned and made to do the same thing over and over. It was the same boring routine which I dreaded and regretted. I can't be one minute by myself when that woman I have for a mate, comes and ruins everything.

"Simon there you are," She came out from some bushes in her wolf form. She was a plain ordinary gray one with just plain amber eyes.

Why did I had to be mated to someone so bland?

"What. Do. You. Want?" I hid my anger and frustration with a force grin, revealing all of my sharp teeth.

"I thought we could spend some time together," It came out more in a question.

"I just left you five minutes ago," I could feel the corner of my mouth start to twitch.

"Well yes but you know I feel lonely," she started to make circles with her paw in the snow.

"Why don't you play with the six kids we have?!" I barked.

She flinched back and her jaw started to quiver.

Ughhh not this again.

"I'm sorry Brit it's just," I walked over to her and nuzzled her neck fur, "I have too much stress going on."

Partially was true.

Ever since I became the true alpha of the pack, So much responsibility landed in my hands. Other nearby packs tried to take over, some of my people left, bills, bills, and more bills, and then I have the other job of an alpha and that is to be a father.

Of six boys.

I had so much in my hand that I felt age starting to hit on me. My pack was slowly falling apart all because I slacked off a few years. What can I say, I was a teen.

"You barked at me," Brittany's lips still quivered and her voice cracked on the verge of spilling tears out.

"I said I was sorry," I groaned.

"Yes but it hurt. In here," She placed a paw where her heart was located.

"How about I make it up to you tonight?" My voice came out husky.

"Y-you want to go for the s-seventh?"

"Argh Brittany not this again!" I snapped, all my patience washing out from my face.

"Come on Simon!" She sat down, "You never please me no more."

"I am busy," I gave her my back.

"I want to try again. For a daughter," She ran up to me and faced me.

"No is NO."


"No Brittany! What in no don't you get?! Do you want me to say it in spanish???? It's still NO!"

A small whimper escaped from her as her tail went in between her legs and she stared at me with fear in her eyes.

"Factory is closed," I mumbled and started to walk away.

Knowing her, she will probably cry all through out the day and whimper in her sleep all night, bringing the conversation back up the next day.

It has been like this for the past ten years of my life.

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