23. A No to a Friend

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Angie's POV~

Darkness enveloped me as my head ducked into the waters. The water closed around me, filling me with a deep dread. My eyes were wide open as it stared at nothing particular. All sounds were blocked except for the beating of my own heart pulse banging into my ears as I tried to find a getaway to silence. I held my breath as long as I could, too long in fact. A large bubble escaped from my lips and floated up to the surface like a jellyfish. It popped before it got there, sending tiny ones to get trapped into my web features I have for eyelashes.

My lungs begged for air. All I had to do was go up for air but I refused. Red and black splotches danced in front of me to the point I couldn't remember if my eyes were opened or closed. I wanted to drown away my pains but the pain only worsen with the passing second.

Their screams... I can hear their cries ringing in my ears.

My mother's eyes appeared for a second before flashes turned on and off.

A outstretched hand.

One last kiss.



Blur of the forest trees.

From the trees emerged some silhouettes.

One then two then it doubled then it tripled. 

They were coming from everywhere.

One stood out though.


I arched my neck back and gasped for air as I resurfaced from the water. I coughed out water and wheezed as I placed a hand over my heart.

It was hurting.

"Oh God." I took a step out of the tub and went to the closest mirror.

My brown hair was matted to my face to the point it was almost black. I looked so frail, so small. I looked vulnerable and hopeless. 

"Stupid mating bond." I gritted my teeth in anger and walked out as it started to ease down a bit.

Ever since I was assigned to this pathetic mission to capture Simon, pain from being away from Zack increased the more time I was away from him. I can't have one day without feeling pain because of Zack. Whether I'm with him or not, Zack has is way inside of me where I have no control of. A knock on the door brought me back to my senses and quickly I covered myself with a towel and went to open the door.

"Coming!" I hurried and opened the door wide open.

My heart stopped feeling the pain the moment my eyes landed on Simon. From all people, he was the last person I wanted to see today.

"Hey Ang." He flashed me a pearlie white grin.

In his hands he held a small twig with cherry blossoms growing on it.

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