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Twas the night before the first day of school and not a creature was stirring. Except three spiders and a few villains. Here are our heroes of this story: The Superior Spider-Ninja, The Spectacular Spider-Kid, and The Amazing Spider-Boy. They search to find Spider-Man, because he has been missing for a year. However, what they did find that night was his enemies: The Vulture, The Shocker, and Carnage.

Only there was something different with Shocker and Vulture. They seemed to have weird oozing things all over them. And ooze is moving too, as if they're alive. "What's going on?" Spider-Boy asks. "Symbiosis, that's what's happening," Spider-Kid answers. "This thing is an extraterrestrial organism that bonds to a host to survive and learn from their host and understand what they do. In this case: These hosts are bad influences. Especially that red guy."

The Amazing Spider-Boy: Inner WarWhere stories live. Discover now