Symbiosis (Continued)

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  Spider-Boy heads outside and shoots two web lines (one from each side). He holds onto them tightly and backs up - causing the web lines to stretch and tighten. He takes five steps back and leaps forward - making the web lines launch him up and forward at 60 miles per hour. He starts to swing on a web. Each time he swings up he leaps and does an aerial trick and shoots a new web line. He continues on as he goes home.

  His window was left open. He takes his last swing and dives through the window along with a somersault. "What a night," he sighs. He zips open his mask and turns it inside out. Then he takes off the jacket (the suit's torso) and turns that inside out. He folds the mask - turning the whole torso into a casual hoodie. He does a similar process with his sweatpants (The legs of his suit) - turning them into casual jeans.

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