The Rotten Big Apple

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  Carnage continues what he was saying. "We were hoping to lure Toxin here. When he was a newborn we tried to kill him, but he was much too powerful. Now we must kill his offspring, because his offspring will even be stronger than him. We want to taste his sweet, sweet suffering as I kill both of them. We want to see him bleed and hear him scream like there is no tomorrow and fear me."

  The Spiders are stunned from how disturbed they are to what Carnage just said. They heard many sick speeches, but it's one of the worst they've ever heard. Carnage draws out his knive-like fingers and gets ready to make symbiotic ground beef. The dynamic trio draw web lines at the same time onto Toxin's back and pull him away from Carnage.  Spider-Ninja motions Spider-Boy and Spider-Kid, telling them to hide Toxin as he fights off Carnage.

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