Who's there? (Continued)

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It begins to talk, saying, "This world has it's own rules.... And these rules are not human." Spider-Kid's heart skips a beat. "W-.... What?" The beast giggles a bit. "People make their own 'monsters'... Then fear them for what they show about themselves. I'm not afraid of myself.... I wish I could be you right now... Just so I can be friends with myself. The real world is where monsters are. Look at everywhere you go. Every alley, every corner, every closed doors.... Isn't it beautiful? When there is cold weather, there is no cold weather. It's death approaching... 'Normal' is an illusion... For what is normal for a spider... Is chaos for the fly. No one escapes from life alive... Even the dead tells stories... And when you think about it... Most of the "good ideas" came along to make a sin a whole lot easier. "

Spider-Kid quietly demands "Stop talking..." The monster keeps going, "Everyone stops looking for monsters under their beds when they realize the monsters are inside them... But ya wanna know something?" Spider-Kid lowers his stance slightly backing up, pleading in desperate fear, "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" The alien follows and leans forward over the boy and gives a reverberating, deep, angry tone, telling Jake a quote from a fictional character by a monster who is real to him instead, "I am every nightmare you ever had! I am your worst dream come true! I am everything you ever were afraid of! I am your cause of your last breath! I will be the cause of your loved one's last breath! I will absorb your lives! I am nobody's cure! I'm Virus!"

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