Unstoppable Force (Continued)

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      "Why?" Spider-Kid asks in a mix of fear, rage, and confusion, "Why are you doing this? My friends and I were trying to help you that night. We were trying to protect you even. We were hoping to teach you how to be something that can make a difference" Virus tilts his head. "I am making a difference" Spider-Kid stands up taller a bit. "A positive difference! Not ruin everybody's lives for sadistic fun! Look at the poor man you have ruined! You broke him and made him regret his own existence! He chose to come back to his family afterwards because he obviously took the time to find the true humanity inside himself to find a way to fix things!"

       Virus corrects his head, unfazed at Spider-Kid's speech. "Being sorry will not fix the fact that you ants are your own parasites. He deserved death. You deserve death. Every human being deserve death. Now if you excuse me, I need to find a new skin and to find a certain grandfather to kill." Virus backflips two stories up in the air and bounces off a wall behind him, followed by him front flipping across the alley gap and on top of a building. Spider-Kid tries to slingshot his way up and once he finally manages to, the monster is already gone.

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