Who's there?

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     Spider-Kid circles around the monster, trying to stall enough time to figure out what to do. "Are you the one that was there last night? Are you Toxin's spawn?" The slimy monster says nothing - standing still. "Answer! Come on!" It stays and says nothing. Spider-Kid stands still 6 feet in front of it quietly. Not knowing what to do. What to think. Just stand there. Lost.

    The creature then makes a slight, mumbled screeches. The screeches get louder. Then the screeches start to progressively sound more and more like... Laughing. It was laughing. It was laughing.... It was LAUGHING. It uncontrollably laughed at him. Without stopping, just being hysterical. This was nothing like any being he has seen before. Something beyond Toxin, or Carnage. It's tongue whips around as it laughs. Spider-Kid grows sick from anxiety.

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