Chapter 9

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"(Y/N)...! (Y/N)...! Earth to (Y/N)...!" Daniel grabbed hold of the sleeve of (Y/N) jacket roughly, stopping him in his tracks and getting his attention, finally. The boy snapped out of his thoughts and looked to his best friend, the best friend he hadn't been talking to for almost a week. (Y/N) looked and felt emotionally drained.

"(Y/N) look, I'm sorry for what happened last Saturday...I know I acted like a jerk to Ashley ." just because Daniel  had decided to apologize to (Y/N) did not mean that he approved of Ashley . He thought she was a bad girl and therefore no good for (Y/N). After all, (Y/N) was the nicest guy he could possibly think of and he knew he could do better. Daniel had realized that it didn't matter what he thought though, because it didn't stop (Y/N) sitting with her at lunch. Daniel also noticed how the pair had left school together every day that week. He just couldn't stand not talking to his best friend any longer and after discussing it with Monika , he took on board her suggestion that he should just try to understand and accept what (Y/N) wanted. If he was a good friend he would support (Y/N), not fight him.

"Huh?" had Daniel  just apologized? (Y/N) wasn't sure if he had misheard or not. He definitely wasn't in the mood to put up with Daniel's 'supportive' criticism right now. Sure, in the past Daniel and Monika  had always come to his rescue when bullies had targeted him, but Ashley  wasn't the enemy and Daniel   had no right to stick his nose in. Old habits never die, I guess...

"If you want to date Ashley, then that's fine by me." Daniel  gave (Y/N) his best smile of encouragement.

"Daniel what are you talking about?"

"You're dating Ashley, right? Well I know I wasn't all for it before, but I've been thinking and I've realized that I should be more supportive."

"We're not dating..."

"Oh" Daniel didn't know what to say. He had assumed the two were a thing now.

"Daniel you don't need to protect me like I'm a helpless little kid , I know you used to be there for me when those kids on our street used to beat me up, and I'm thankful for that, really I am, but please don't interfere with Ashley  and me. You don't understand at all."

Daniel couldn't hide the fact that he was taken back by (Y/N)'s words, "What's going on between you two, then?" he wondered, because hell if he knew.

"We're friends." (Y/N) looked down, he knew he would have liked to be more than that, but he wasn't going to push for it. Especially since she seemed so reluctant to open up to him.

"And what is so complicated and hard to understand about being friends?" Daniel   raised his eyebrows. The whole situation was going over his head.

"I don't really want to discuss it here." (Y/N) looked from side to side, beckoning at their surroundings. They were just about to enter the changing rooms for gym class. (Y/N) didn't want to discuss about Ashley now, where anyone could overhear.

"Is it serious?" Daniel   was becoming concerned.

"Well y-yes...I think. To be honest, I'm not fully sure myself."

"(Y/N) you're not making any sense!"

"I'll tell you later, okay?"

"Alright." Daniel nodded, accepting that (Y/N) didn't want to talk about it there. If they stood outside any longer they'd be late for class anyway, so Daniel decided it was best to follow (Y/N) into the changing rooms without asking further questions.

(Y/N) was really concerned about Ashley , especially after seeing those bruises all over her arms on Monday. Then later, when he discovered where she lived he became even more so. Not to mention how she had never once mentioned her family. (Y/N) noticed that she seemed to be getting more and more comfortable with him by the day, but when he would walk her home of an evening, she would instantly turn very standoffish. It just didn't seem right. Nothing did. He was starting to believe that something was wrong at home, but he was terrified to approach her with that topic. If he was wrong, the likelihood was that she would get angry and tell him to shove his friendship where the sun doesn't shine. On the other hand, if he was correct, what could he do? He was a high school student living with his grandfather. He didn't have the power to do anything drastic. If it really was the case, it was going to be very difficult. Also taking into consideration that she was constantly turning down any help he tried to offer her. Then again, she did approach me about the tutoring, so she's not completely against wanting help, and don't forget those times she accepted the sandwich. She's just complicated.

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