Chapter 11

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"(Y/N) , you still haven't told me about Ashley ."Daniel reminded his friend impatiently. The boy was sitting on a bean bag in (Y/N) 's room, Monika  was sitting at the desk and looked vaguely interested at Daniel's statement. (Y/N)  was on his own bed. It was Saturday afternoon and the trio had decided to spend time together, (Y/N)  hadn't really been spending much time with them at lunch because he had been sitting with Ashley  for just over a month.

"It doesn't matter anymore." (Y/N)  quickly said. After yesterday, he didn't really feel like talking about Ashley  at all. She hadn't wanted to tell him about her mother and he felt like he would be betraying her if he spoke about her personal life or his speculations to his friends. Even if they were his best friends who he trusted more than anyone.

"I spoke to her a few days ago..." Monika  mentioned. She had decided to keep quiet about Ashley's silent confession before, simply because the only reason she approached the redhead  was to put her own mind at rest about the situation. There wasn't much need to tell either Daniel or (Y/N)  about it at that moment. Ashley  herself had wondered if Monika  had said anything, and gathered that she hadn't, and was thankful. Little did she know that Monika  was about to spill the beans.

"Oh?" (Y/N)'m eyes widened in curiosity.

"I asked her if she liked you." Monika spoke as if it was nothing.

"And!?" (Y/N)  felt his ears burning.

"She didn't answer."

"Oh" his voice barely came out and he felt his heart sink instantly. There was also the sudden sickening feeling of disappointment in his stomach.

"That means she likes you." Monika   added.

"W-what?" (Y/N) 's head shot up.

"Bullshit." Daniel  interrupted.

"When I asked her, she seemed very flustered. I doubt she would admit it."

"No, (Y/N) . Take this as a blessing! You've had a lucky escape..."

"Danny." Monika shot Daniel a warning look, hadn't the advice she had given him sunk in?

"Ugh, never mind" Daniel  muttered and looked down, deciding to shut-up for his friend's sake.

"D-does it really mean she likes me?"

Monika nodded, "Well, from my perspective, it seems that she does have feelings for you."

(Y/N)  felt the blood rush to his face, could it really be true? Ashley liked him in that way? Monika was smart and also female, therefore she was able to relate to girls and understand them better than he ever could.

When (Y/N)  went to school on Monday however, it was a completely different story. Ashley  avoided (Y/N)  like the plague all day. It looked like Monika was way off when she said that Ashley  had feelings for him. Ashley  didn't turn up to lunch either, and after ten minutes or so with no show, Daniel  and Monika joined him to spare him from sitting alone. (Y/N)  couldn't help but feel hurt.

Maybe it's because she feels awkward about what happened on Friday? I have to reassure her that everything is okay.

Despite wanting to put things straight, (Y/N)  didn't get the chance to talk to her all week. He wasn't sure how it was even possible, how could she escape him when they literally shared every class together? She had sat beside someone in every single lesson and he knew she was going out of her way to avoid him because she usually liked to sit by herself; she was a lone wolf, after all. He couldn't even catch up with her after class either, maybe because she's so small and fast. It was driving (Y/N)  insane. All he wanted to do was talk to her.

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