1) Stay...Please

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"Please...please don't do this..."
"I'm sorry, Stiles, but I can't keep doing this. I can't have a human in my pack."
Stiles wiped away the tears that fell down his reddened cheeks. Scott just stared blankly.
"Then make me not human! Turn me into a werewolf!"
"You wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm sorry, Stiles. All you ever do is drag me down..."


Stiles awoke with a clamminess. He glanced at the luminescent red numbers of his alarm clock. 1:43 am. Stiles was paler than usual aside from his red cheeks shiny with tears. His shaky fingers reached for his phone before texting Scott.

Stiles: u awake?
Scott: I am now. Everything ok?
Stiles: please come...I need you
Scott: omw

10 seconds later, the wolf boy was knocking on Stiles's bedroom window. Stiles sniffed and stood up to open the window latch.

"Hey, I came as fast as I could. Everything alright?" Scott asked almost frantically. He had a moment of panic when he saw Stiles's pale and teary face.

"Yeah, it's just...I had another nightmare..."
Scott's face softened when he saw Stiles's head had dropped his head in shame. Scott placed his hand on his scrawny shoulder.

"Hey, shh, it's okay. It wasn't real. Do you wanna tell me what it was about?"

Stiles looked up and gave a half smile before taking a shuddering breath.

"You killed me because you didn't want me in your pack anymore. You didn't want a human, and you said I wouldn't be able to handle the bite."

Scott blinked and pulled Stiles into hug, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

"Stiles, I would never ever do that! It was only a dream. You are and always will be in my pack, okay?"

Stiles sniffles and leaned into the warm embrace.

"Thanks, Scott..."

Scott released his friend with a pat on the back.

"No problem. Call me if you need anything," Scott said as he was about to depart through the window before being stopped by a pale hand.

"Wait...will you stay with me? Please..?" Stiles whispered.

"Of course, Stiles."

Scott was about to curl on the floor and sleep before Stiles asked him if he could sleep with him on the bed. Scott agreed; he was his best friend, after all. But that night, when Stiles cuddled next to Scott's warmth with his arms draped over his torso, Scott began to question if his feelings for the pale boy meant something more than he could figure out.

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