6) Tooth and Nail

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After that Saturday night, Scott and Stiles hadn't spoken. All through Sunday, they weren't sure what to say. They finally spoke when they ran into each other at school Monday morning.

"Hey," greeted Scott.

"Hey," Stiles responded.

"Can we talk?"

Stiles nodded, and they walked over to the side of the school. Scott gingerly took his hand in his own.

"I know you're afraid....I know you're scared of what you'll become,...and I know you're afraid of where we will go with this..."
Scott motioned between them. Stiles nodded.
"I'm sorry I didn't text you yesterday...I needed to figure out my feelings."

Scott gave an understanding nod.
"What did you decide?"

Stiles took a deep breath.
"That I love you more than anything, Scott McCall...you're my best friend, but I want you to be more than that..."

Scott took Stiles's other hand and rubbed his thumbs over the backs of both hands. Stiles took another breath.
"I really need you, Scott; I love you."

Scott pulled his lips into a smile before kissing the pale hands he held.
"Does this mean we're official?"

"Well, considering you friggin came in my ass and that I totally rehearsed that speech, yes."

Scott playfully punched his mate in the arm.
"Awesome. After school, let's go back to my place and practice controlling your shifts."

"I hope I have some badass foxy powers like Kira."

"Yeah, ok," Scott laughed before offering Stiles a hand.
Together, they walked into the school, spirits high and tails hidden.


"Just focus. Just let them come out," Scott encouraged.

Stiles breathed in and tried again. He face was pure excitement when he saw his claws.

"Woah!!! Did you friggin see that?!"

Scott laughed.
"Yeah, I'm right here."

Stiles gave a 'you know you love me' look. Scott look at those big brown eyes and couldn't resist a kiss on the cheekbone.

"Does this mean we can bang now?" Stiles asked.

"If you can shift into a full fox by the end of the day, I'll fuck your brains out."

Stiles grinned and proceeded to practicing with his ears.

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