3) We'll Get Through This

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Stiles reached a hand -well, paw- to feel one of his new ears. It started where his regular ear would've been -just behind his cheekbone- and continued up into a point above his head. Stiles inspected himself slowly inch by inch. Scott stared in shock. Stiles was a fox. Well, not a fully shifted fox, but definitely getting there.

"What am I, a Kitsune?" Stiles asked, surprisingly calm.

Scott swallowed before answering.
"Um, well, I only see one tail. I'm pretty sure you need eight more to be one," Scott said while forcing a laugh.

"Then what the hell happened to me? What am I?"

Scott took Stiles's fuzzy paw and pulled him up to stand in the tub. Besides the fur near and on the hands and feet, the tail, and the ears, he still had skin everywhere else,...and he was naked.

"Ok, um, I'll call Deaton," Scott suggested while trying not to glance down at his friend's privates. Stiles just held a blank stare toward the ground while nodding.
Scott stepped into the bedroom to make the call. Stiles continued inspecting himself before he came to the realization that Scott had seen him sans clothing. His cheeks quickly became the fiery color of his fur before he heard Scott end the call.

"Ok. Yep. We'll be here. Call us when you're in the clinic." *click* "ok, so Deaton is somewhere out of state and won't be back until later tonight. He said we can meet him at the clinic when he gets back. He apparently thinks you're a Werefox. He said it's quite special since shifters usual take the form of a more powerful animal. He thinks it may have something to do with the Nogitsune, but he's not sure."

Stiles slumped his shoulders. His dad was at work, it was a beautiful Saturday, and he was stuck in the house.

"This isn't exactly how i wanted to spend my Saturday," he mumbled. Scott laughed.

"Look, I'm still here. We can watch movies or something until your dad gets back," he suggested.

Stiles smiled brightly. Scott was willing to spend all day with him just so he wouldn't be alone.

"Sure, that sounds great. I'll put Ghostbusters in. Can you get the popcorn?"

Scott nodded happily.
"Sure thing. I'll be back in a few."

Stiles turned to look for the movie before Scott popped his head back in the door.

"Listen, don't worry. We'll get through this. You'll have me to teach you," Scott said before winking. Stiles blushed when he left the room. He couldn't keep denying that his feelings for the werewolf were more than friendly.

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