4) Irresistable

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Scott opened a cupboard to pull out a large red bowl for the popcorn which was heating in a pot. Just as he was about to deliver the snack upstairs, Scott caught the scent of something pungent and strong. Despite his excellent control on shifting, he couldn't help his fangs and claws coming out at the scent. His eyes glowed a deep red; he drooled as he followed the interesting smell. Scott growled when he reached the top of the stairs. Wherever that scent came from, he had to have it.
Scott followed the scent to Stiles's room; at the door, it was far beyond resistible. Scott had shifted fully by the time he entered the room, and he had a shocking yet pleasant view.

"Fuck yeah, Scott...right there...," Stiles whispered. He was panting, eyes shut and fox features gone, one hand pleasuring himself.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Stiles moaned, pulling faster.

Scott watched with a peaked interest, animal senses taking over. He briskly made his way to the other boy, dragging a claw from his hip to his chest. Stiles's eyes flew open; he became frozen stiff. How much had Scott heard?

"Sc-Scott..?" he mustered he courage to say through dry lips. He cursed to himself when his body responded with a shiver to the claw.

"Sorry, I...can't help it," Scott mentioned while dragging his claw in circles around a nipple. Stiles moaned weakly, then Scott pulled his hand off of himself. He flipped the smaller boy over on his stomach and placed two clawed hands on his pale ass.

"Slick...," Scott growled. Stiles whimpered beneath him when, gripping the sheets when Scott spread him open.
The scent drove him wild.

"Looks like the lone fox needs to be bred..."

Stiles's eyes glowed a deep amber, and his fangs and claws came out. A low growl came from his throat.

"Give it to me, Scott...be an alpha..."

Scott's eyes could pierce through iron when he gave a loud, possessive roar. He quickly tore -literally tore- his clothes off. Stiles yelped when he felt Scott inside him. He shifted slowly, growing a long orange tail. Something happened that Scott was unprepared for. He grew a long, black tail. His ears grew longer and covered with black fur. Scott growled and bit Stiles's furry ear.

"Can you take my knot?"

Stiles moaned in anticipation.
"Make me."

It wasn't long before Stiles was able to, but it took only a second to realize who his mate was. He felt the hot liquid inside of him, and he looked back into Scott's eyes to see he was thinking the same thing.

Foxes may not have packs, but Stiles knew this was an exception. They were mates for life.

Who says foxes and wolves can't get along?

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