9) Bloodline

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OMG, GUYS!!! I didn't even think this would get 10 views! I know it's not wincest, but I thought I would give it a try. Please comment what you think!

Scott and Stiles decided to keep Emma at the McCalls' house; Sheriff Stilinski already had enough on his plate helping Stiles with his mental state.
Melissa didn't mind. It took awhile to adjust to the fact that her son had a daughter his age with another man -"what do you MEAN you have a daughter your age?? And with STILES?!?"-, but after a few days of explanations, she seemed to calm down.
As for Scott and Stiles's relationship, everything was perfect. They snuck a few kisses here and there at school, hugged a little longer than necessary at lunch, and they even released their hormonal desires by making love in the bathroom stalls every once in awhile. Well, not exactly make love...more like Scott pounding Stiles hard and fast while holding a hand over Stiles's mouth to muffle his feverish and excited whimpers.

Everything was perfect.

Deaton preformed tests on Emma, and he determined that she was their biological daughter no matter how impossible. The boys learned to accept it. She was sweet and kind, and she became Lydia's friend after the banshee loaned her some clothes.
It wasn't long before Emma started attending Beacon Hills High School. Despite her randomly showing up naked at Stiles's door the week before, Scott and Stiles ended up taking a liking to the girl. Maybe it was an instinctive family bond, but she was sweet. Even Melissa and the Sheriff ended up treating her like family. They asked how she got her name, and Stiles just said he liked it a lot.
Stiles finally learned full control by the time another full moon came. Scott held his hands when the moon was high.
"Alpha...Beta...Omega...," they chanted over and over.
Stiles was a fast learned; with Scott as his anchor, he didn't have one piece of fur on him by his second full moon.

"I'm so proud of you, Stiles," Scott said quietly.

"It's because of you, Scott...All I have to do is think of you," Stiles responded.

They looked over at Emma who was passed out on the couch without a strand of fur.

"I think she looks more like you, Scott. She has a slightly slanted jaw bone like you."

"Well, she has your beautiful eyes," Scott responded.

Stiles blushed before wrapping his arms around Scott.
"Care to take this to the bedroom?"

Scott groaned as he hoisted the pale boy up off the ground. The McCall house was quiet except for the sounds of soft kisses. Stiles held on like a koala, and Scott's hands cradled his ass.

"I love you," Stiles whispered as he nuzzled into the crook of Scott's neck.

Scott nipped his ear while carrying him upstairs. He tenderly laid down his mate on the bed before pulling his shirt off.

Stiles dangled his legs over the bed and watched while pushing his pajama pants down with his thumbs.

"Are you sure we should do this? I'm worried you'll shift," Scott said in a concerned tone.

Stiles shook his head.
"You're my anchor, remember? I'll be fine."

Scott did his signature grin before pulling off Stiles's shirt and boxers as well as his own. He moved a hand carefully over the pale skin as if it could tear.

"You're so beautiful, Stiles," Scott exhaled.

Stiles brought his top lip below his bottom one: something he did when he was shy.
"No one else has ever said that to me."

Scott put a hand on either side of his mate, putting himself in a push up position so he could look down at him. The position also brought their hips - and groins - together.

"Then I guess I'm gonna have to say it every day, then."

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