Chapter 1 - Getting To Know Me

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It's been nearly half a year now… Half a year since the human came. Half a year since they killed everyone… Everyone but him. Everyone he cared about. Half a year since they murderer Papyrus. The evil human ruined his universe, there was nothing left for Sans to hold onto.

At first he had just wondered about Snowdin. Empty after the evacuation  he didn't see the point in leaving. Where would he go? However when the human came looking for him to “finish the job”, he fled. And kept fleeing. He would hide in one part in the underground until they came hunting. Then he would teleport to another portion.

He couldn't face the human. He didn't want to. Not again. And again… he fought them and killed them so many times. Yet, they always just reset and he would have to fight again. Sans was afraid of the human and knew with only one hp, it would only be a matter of time before he would be killed. So after their last battle in the Judgment Hall, before they reset… he ran away.

He was hiding out in Waterfall, wondering if it might be better if he just let the human find him and end it. Turn him to dust and send him to where Papyrus was. Sans was so very tired. He didn't have the energy to run away anymore.

Then the other two came. The other Sans and Papyrus. They told him that the Alphys in their world had discovered a way to open a portal between their universes and one other. They said they went to each of the two alternate universes for research. To gather intel and find potential resources. Finding Sans alone, broken, and hunted, the darker version of himself and brother took pity on him. They took him with them to their own universe. Promising Sans sanctuary.

Underfell. It was home and yet it wasn't.  Darker, gloomier,  and far more violent then his world. The monsters he was once so familiar with were like strangers to him now. It didn't matter now… he was never going to leave. The resets never happen here. Any human that fell into the underground were killed nearly immediately by Toriel. Should they slide past her and escape the Ruins, the Fell Bros made quick work of them.

The human who had destroyed his former life had already been slain and their soul extracted. Here, rather then just using the souls of humans to brake the barrier to the surface, the monsters were also attempting to use human determination as a weapon against the human race. To claim the surface for themselves in the name of revenge. Revenge for their banishment to the underground. Though thus far, they have been unsuccessful.

Sans could care less about what their plans were for the humans or what horrors they did to achieve said plans. All he cared about was rebuilding what he lost in Undertale here in Underfell. To find what was missing in his heavy soul. And to find it with them. The new Papyrus and his other self, whom he has been referring to as Red.

While this universe’s Papyrus was overwhelmingly powerful and evil to his very core, Sans felt no threat from him. Despite Red’s clear fear of his “Boss” and his frequent abuse, the captain of the royal guards always seemed calm and somewhat gentle around Sans. He found this version of his brother distasteful,  yet interesting. He looked like Papyrus, but acted nothing like him. Cold, brutal, and scary. Sans never considered this monster as a replacement for his family member, but rather a subject to be studied and observed. To compare to what he knew.

Red on the other hand was far different. He found great enjoyment spending time with his more wicked self. Despite being the same monster, their tastes and interests differed slightly. These small differences seemed to intrigue Red as well as himself. They could always find something to talk about or do. Sans found himself seeking Red out and felt anxious without him close.

He was confused about his feelings for Red. Maybe it was only admiration because Red took care of him. Papyrus provided him with a home and protection from the violent monsters of this universe looking to raise their lv by taking out weaker monsters. But it was Red who made effort to comfort him and heal the damage left by the humans genocide. Bringing him ketchup to drink and science books to read. Braving the dangers of his rotting world and the still stalking human to bring back Sans’ personal items and mementos. Even giving up his own bed to make sure Sans was comfortable.

Though he didn't understand how he felt for Red, one thing was clear… he had all the time in the world to figure it out. And he fully intended to do just that.

‘Where is he?’ Sans sighed as he sat against the side of the house he shared with the Fells. ‘He said he’d be home by now.’ As he waited patiently,  his eye sockets grew heavy before he dosed off. Papyrus told him not to nap outdoor for he was then open to be killed. But he did it all the time anyway.

“... Blue?” He was being shaken awake. “Blue!”

Finally opening his eye sockets, he was meet by his own face. “Hey, Red. What's cooking, good looking?”

“You know Boss told you not to sleep out here. And your right outside the house!” Red scoffed as he pulled Sans to his feet.

“I know, I know… I was just bone tired.”

Red chocked back a chuckle, his sharp, pointed teeth showing. The one gold tooth shimmering in the dim light of the underground. “Stop sleeping out here…” he grumbled as he dug in his jacket pocket. “Anyway… look what I found for you.”

He pulled a fist sized rock from his pocket. Sans’ face lit up, “My pet rock!” He took the rock and held it to his cheekbone.  His bones dusted blue. Sans threw his arms around Red’s sholders, “Thank you.”

“Heh. Yeah… just trying to help you feel more at home,” Red whispered as he removed his gentler self. “Hey, you wanna go see my favorite place in the underground?”

“Is it Grillby’s?” Sans flashed his shit-eating grin with a wink.

“What, no… I don't like that guy… just come with me,” Red grabbed Sans’ hand. The unexpected contact caught Sans by surprise. The already present blush on his cheekbones became even darker as he was pulled forward. Before Sans could think, the two small skeletons teleported from Snowdin.

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