Chapter 3 - Another Me

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"What is Under swap like?" Sans asked, tapping his finger bones on the small table next to where he sat in Alphys' lab.

"It's sugary sweet and everyone loves everyone. The opposite of this place," Red replied as he waited for Papyrus and Alphys to open the portal.

"Is the... human there?"

"Oh sure," Red heard Sans gasp. "But this is AU's human is kind. They spared everyone, rather than... you know..." Red trailed off.

"May I come with you?" Sans asked shyly.

"Yeah! Why not?"

"Cause he is a distraction, that's why," Papyrus stood with his arms crossed over his ribs. Tapping his boot impatiently. The portal now open and shining in a white rectangle behind him. "With you two fucking, you'll be affected by the sickening atmosphere of Underswap."

Both Sanses blushed furiously and put some distance between each other. "We're not fucking, Boss!! We're... just... I mean... it's complicated!" Red hollered at his brother. However, he knew that Papyrus was right. "I guess you should stay here, Blue."

"Alright," Sans pouted slightly, then waved them off as the entered Underswap.

For the first hour or so, Sans lounged in Alphys' office. Watching TV, drinking a bottle or two of ketchup, napping on her desk. But soon the boredom got the better of him. He decided to head back to the house and wait for them there. Maybe stop at the purple fire elemental, Grillby's, place. Maybe try that mustard stuff Red is always bragging about.

He bid Alphys goodbye, though she only yelled at him for bothering her while she was working. Nothing like the kind, painfully shy royal scientist of his AU. After walking down several hallways, Sans realized he must have taken a wrong turn. This lab was much different then Undertale's. He spent nearly 15 minutes wandering aimlessly, expecting to run up on someone who could point him in the right direction.

He entered a large room, the only one that had any light coming from within the cracked open door. "Helloooo?" He hummed into the room.

"Hello?! Is someone there? Can you help me..." his own voice called back to him.

Sans walked farther in to the mostly empty room. In the back stood a row of 5 large cages. In the farthest right most cage stood a smaller version of himself. He looked like a cyan version of his dead brother. "Oh no... not another me! I don't understand. I just wanna go home!" The other moved as far away as he could. Light Blue tears flowed freely down his cheekbones.

"Easy there, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt ya," Sans cooed.

"The others haven't hurt me either, but they took me away from my brother. And now they won't let me go home. What do you want!" He shouted angrily.

"Shhh, hey. Stop shouting or someone will hear. Listen, Blueberry, I'll get you outta here but you gotta tell me everything, ok?"

"Al - alright... But, how are you gonna get me out of here?" Blueberry asked nervously.

Sans grinned, "Let's say I have a 'skeleton' key." He held his boney hand out to the other threw the bars. "Take my hand."

Blueberry hesitantly did as told. The moment they made contact Sans teleported them to the outside of the lab. A power he nearly forgotten he even had, which explained why he got lost in the first place. Sans and Blueberry moved fast, making their way to Red's secret cave before anyone noticed them.

"...They said I needed to go with them. And that they would take care of me. But I didn't want to go with them... and they just... took me away. And because I kept trying to escape. That mean Alphys locked me in that cage," Blueberry retold his encounter with the Fells. He went through waves of crying. The fresh and smeared tears blurring his star-shaped pupils.

Sans listened in silence. They offered him the same things as Blueberry. The only difference is that Sans came willingly. "Your from Underswap, aren't you?"

"Yes. Did they take you from your home too?" He asked sweetly. So cute.

"No. I came because I wanted to."

"Why? Those monsters are evil. Why would you want to be with them?" Blueberry made a face of discust."

"it's hard to explain. I lost-"

"Blue!" It was Red. "I knew I would find... you... here" His eye sockets grew wide when he saw Blueberry was with him. "What have you done?! Boss is gonna kill you when he finds out you let him out and brought him here!"

Sans let to his feet, "You tell me what is going on, Red. Why did you really bring us here?! Where you going to experiment on him? On me? Are you trying to use us to open other AUs... steal their Sans?!"

"No, it's not like that, Blue you don't understand," Red defended. He stepped toward them.

Blueberry hid behind Sans, gripping his navy blue hoodie in his gloved hand. With his left pupul lit with magic, Sans summoned a small bone barrier between him and them. "Blue, will you just come with me and I'll tell yo-"

"I'm not going with you anymore. You tell me now," Sans was so pissed. "I trusted you Red. I thought you cared about me. I let you kiss me. What evil are you planning? At least the human made it clear they were sinning for fun, but you lie!"

"I do care about you. And him!" Red pointed at Blueberry making him jump. He gripped onto Sans even harder. "We're not going to hurt him or you. You just have to stay here and- !!" He stopped dead, eye sockets completely black. Wide with shock, fear, or any mixture of both. He took a step back.

Before Sans could open his mouth to scream at Red, Blueberry was ripped from his back. Wheeling around, his blue magic making a mark in the air in an arch about him, he saw what Red was so afraid of. Papyrus held the younger Sans in the air by his light blue scarf. Blueberry straining against the fabric choking him, his little boot clad feet kicking wildly.

Red, angry magic crackled from Papyrus' pupils, "Now your gonna have a bad time..."

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