Chapter 6 - Finding A Piece of Myself

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Red snatched both Swap and Sans by their clothes and teleported the three of them to wherever Papyrus was. On the roof of the lab. He was staring down at the blood covered human, who staring right back at him.

The moment the trio of Sanses appeared. Papyrus wrung a finger at Sans. Cautiously, he moved to the tall skeleton. In a flash of black and red, Papyrus had Sans in the air and dangling over the roof. "Is this what your looking for?!"

The human's red eyes narrowed at the sight of their world's Sans, and a crude smile spread over their face. They rose their knife and ran their tongue over the blade. "Boss... What are you doing?!" Red fell silent when Papyrus jabbed a finger in his direction

"You want this? Come get him!!" Papyrus sneered as he seemed to offer Sans to his attacker.

"No! Stop him Red!! Don't let him do this to him!!" Swap latched on to Red's arm and shook it violently. "Do something!!"

"I can't... He's Boss." When Swap made a move to stop it himself Red grabbed him about the middle. Swap was lifted off the ground kicking and screaming.

The human leapt at them, knife at the ready. Ready to slice down the small skeleton. They lept clean over the lab, straight for Papyrus and Sans. Time seemed to be moving in slow motion. Fear was all that Sans could think. 'He's gonna let that human kill me! I knew it and instead of running away... I stayed with Red.' Sans' wide sockets were completely black.

"Swap! Stop thrashing!" Red grunted as he got an elbow in the nose hole. "Will you just look and see what's going on around you."

Swap finally stilled and took notice of the machine that Papyrus was holding behind his back. As the human closed the gap, he brought the black gunlike machine forward and aimed. Sans, unfortunately didn't see the machine and as they came closer his terror only grew. Just as Papyrus touched the human's exposed and glowing soul, Sans' mind went as blank as his eye sockets, he reacted purely out of instinct. The instinct of self preservation. He planted the soles of his feet on the human's gut and pushed them away with all his might.

The human, losing momentum, was taken back by gravity. They landed onto the ground so hard and so far down, their neck broke on impact. Their soul shattered and their body faded. Everyone on the roof stared at the frozen Papyrus and the shaken Sans. He pulled his limbs into himself when he realized what was actually happening. "No!! I was so close!!" Papyrus screamed as he slammed the extractor into the side of Sans' skull. The blow was so hard that Sans' hoodie tore in Papyrus' fist. While his body bounced off the roof.

"They are gone!! And I had them!" He shrieked at Sans. Who was crawling away from the enraged monster. "They won't reset here... and who knows if they will return now that they've seen the extractor!!"

Papyrus lifted his boot ready to slam it down on Sans' skull... when Red teleported Swap and himself between the skeletons. Without any thought both alternate versions were ready to protect their original form. Even from a Papyrus. Two large gaster blasters, one maroon and one cyan, glowing and snarling ready to fire.

Calming slightly, Papyrus knew when he was out matched. He could easily beat the shit out of any one of them, one on one. But when banded together, there was a good chance of losing. "Take it away..." He growled. "Go home and stay there..." He marched stiffly to the roof exit.

● ● ● ●

"What were you thinking? Why did you do that?" Red bitched as he paced back and forth in front of the others. They were sitting on the couch in the living room. Swap had patched Sans up and was now gently pressing an ice pack against the sharp crack that came from the corner of his left eye socket. He hissed at the sting.

"Clearly, he was scared. That brother of your is the most evil bad guy in the multiverse..." Swap snapped.

"I wasn't thinking at all... I just wanted them away from me. Tibia honest... I'm glad their gone."

Red snickered, then cleared his throat. He scratched at the pink and purple bandage Swap had stuck to the wound under his eye socket. "The only way we're gonna make this better is if we somehow get that human back here for Boss..."

"I'm not going back to Undertale..." Sans looked sheepishly to the side. "At least not alone..." He felt guilt for panicking so dramatically.

Red suddenly snapped his fingers, "I have an idea stay here! I have to go get something."

"Red, what about your Boss?" Swap asked. "Didn't he say to stay here?"

"Don't worry about it, this will work. You two stay here," Red demanded and was gone.

For several long moments, Swap tended to Sans' injuries in silence. It was Sans who broke it first. "Thank you for helping me, Swap."

Swap blushed furiously, "Not at all, Friend. For the Magnificent Sans will always help a friend in need."

Sans laughed gently, " You're just like my brother... He was always there for his pals. And his spaghetti was unsur -pasta- able." He grinned that enormous smile.

Still blushing, Swap chuckled into his scarf, "And you're just like mine... the hoodie, the stupid puns, the knack for getting into trouble... Just like him.."

Swap trailed off as they stared at each other with wide sockets and quacking pupils. Without warning they latched onto each other. Mouths smashing together. As they moaned and drooled, there was a spark in their darkened souls. Was the impression of their sibling within the nature of the other filling the void left with their greif?

All thought of Red was drown out with his need to be physically close to this other persona. But suddenly, Swap's warmth and wetness was gone. He had pushed away from Sans and moved across the room. "We shouldn't do this. It feels wrong..."

Sans left the couch too and came to stand behind Swap. He wrapped his arms around Swap's hip bones, "Come on... We both know you like to play with yourself."

Working the lower part of his battle body down his femurs, he grabbed his hard ecto member. Swap squeaked as he placed the back of his gloved hand to his mouth. Sans licked and nibbled at Swap's neck bones as he worked his throbbing ecto dick.

Swap arched his spine over Sans' frame, his knees buckling. He panted and drooled over the back of his glove. He shook as his soul glowed threw his battle body. "Go on, cry out... don't be so shy," Sans huffed against his wet neck bones. But Swap only bit into his glove as his body stiffened. Cum spurting onto Sans' fist.

Swap's legs failed him as he collasped onto Sans with his full weight. Sans slid his cum slick phalange down Swap's cheek bone. "I don't suppose you wanna return the favor?" Sans whispered.

Swap only knodded. Flopping back onto the couch, taking Swap with him, Sans worked his ecto dick from his shorts. Slowly, Swap impaled himself onto the hard member. Once fully inside, Swap eased himself up and down the glowing shaft.

But it wasn't fast enough for Sans as he placed his hands under both Swap's femurs and began lifting and dropping Swap onto his lap. Swap cried out his own name. Sans once more attacked his smaller lover's neck bones, leaving a deep love mark.

Sans drooled against Swap's throat as he gripped Sans' shoulder in tight little fists. A final slam and Blueberry was filled with Sans' essence. It didn't take much stimulation on Sans part to make Swap cum again.

Sans stared into the darkness of the TV which sat directly before them. Their reflection on it's black screen. Sitting together on the couch, Swap curled up against his side. Arm draped haphazardly on his ribcage. Sleeping deeply in the afterglow. He puzzled what he was doing. Did he want Red or did he want Swap? He no longer knew.

He gave his reflection a quizzical look and cocked his head to one side. 'Can I have both?' He wondered.

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