Chapter 11 - Redeeming Myself

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“Red, leave those bandages alone!” Sans scolded Red for the third time within the last hour.

“Their fucking itchy. And it's not even bleeding anymore.” Red had been discharged from the hospital earlier that morning. He was now complaining and scratching at the bindings with a claw.

“The doctor said to leave them on for the next three days.” Sans and Swap had set him up quite nicely in his room. With everything he might want or need. However what he really wanted was to rid himself of the bandages, bed rest, and mothering hens… to get out there and stop the Underswap human from dismantling his AU. And beat their ass for wounding him. But that won't happen… “So, leave them alone,” Sans jabbed an index phalange in a direct threat at him.

Red heaved a frustrated sigh and flopped down onto his pillow. His narrowed eye socket leaving only a sliver as his pupil visible. It followed Sans as he moved about the room. Finally, he replied, “Welp, if you're gonna make me stay in bed… at least get in here and keep me company.”

Sans turned to him. “Are you serious?” Angrily, he pulled his T-shirt out, “I'm still wearing your blood all over me. I'm gonna take a shower.”

As Sans marched to the door, Red called after him. “Fine, ya big baby. Send Swap up here, he likes that kind of crap.”

Sans pulled his hoodie and white shirt off, dropping them into the trash can in the kitchen. “Waste of a good hoodie…” He sighed. Then began to call,  “Hey Swap! Red wants to cuddle, seems like something right up your alley.” But, there was no response. “Blueberry?  Where are you?”

After searching the lower level of the house, finding no Swap, Sans made his way back up to Red. “What are you up to, Blue? Where's Swap, I thought you were gonna send hi-”

“He's gone.”

“Where the hell did he go? You don't think he went to find the human alone do you?”

“I don't know…”

●  ●  ●  ●

“Snowdin has been evacuated and the perimeter is sealed, Papyrus,” Undyne reported back to her captain.

“But your b-brothers are still at your house. Are you sure that is s-safe?” Alphys stuttered.

“They won't attack my brother and his partners so long as they are together. Their bizarre attachment to one another seems to make them stronger… they know that too.” Papyrus stared at the screen. “The real problem is approaching them with the extractor.”

“I'll do it.” The three monsters in the room turned to face Swap. He looked like he was filled with terror.

Papyrus gave a fake belly laugh, “You? Why? You wanna make it right?” He teased Swap.

“Yes. I want to make it right with Red. I'm done being afraid.” Swap stood firmly.

“Good,” Papyrus walked up to Swap, unbuckling the extractor and it's holster from his waist. He then lowered himself to one knee to belt it around Swap’s waist. “Do not fail this time… for if you do, you will end up dead.”

“I have to do this…” Swap stated flatly.

“Why?” Papyrus’ hard pupils never turning from the task of equipping him with the device.

“To earn my place in Underfell. If I can't do that I don’t deserve to be with them. I deserve to be dusted.” Swap steeled himself.

Papyrus rose once again. He stared down at the small skeleton with a wicked grin. “Fear not… I will stay with you you.”

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