Chapter 2 - Caring For Myself

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In a flash, both Sanses appeared in a dark corner of the underground. "Where are we?" Sans asked.

"I don't know what they call this cave but it is crazy cool," Red smirked as he pulled Sans deeper into the cavern. After nearly 5 minutes, Red stopped and sat Sans on a flattened boulder. Holding both shoulders he leaned close to where Sans ear should be. "Look up."

His eye sockets gazed upwards to inky black nothingness. Then suddenly the cave ceiling was illuminated by hundreds of tiny green dots. Hanging from strands on invisible strings. Sans wide, white pupils glittered with the flashing green lights. "Ooh... glow worms."

Red came around Sans to sit beside him. "Beautiful, it's it?"

"I find it illuminating."

Red allowed himself a hearty laugh, "Me too. I love it here. Come here all the time. I don't think anyone knows about it, cause I never see anyone else down here."

As the two of them watched the twinkling lights, Red's pupils slide to gaze at his quiet counterpart. A slight red flush across his skull. It relieved him to see the once so depressed and withdrawn skeleton showing such promising signs of recovery.

To this moment, Red didn't know why he took pity on Sans and begged his brother to allow him to take Sans back with them. It was somewhere deep in his blackened eye sockets. That loneliness he was quite familiar with. For whatever reason, Red knew that this monster was what he was looking for.

For all of his life Red has known nothing but fear, violence, and darkness. Everyday of his existence was one struggle after another. His boss always abusing him and yelling at him. Papyrus claimed he was trying to make Red stronger, to raise his single hp. But it felt like torture to him. His so-called friends were either cruel or indifferent. So what was the point? What Red wanted more than anything was real companionship. To be with someone who wanted to be with him.

Maybe that was the reason why he wanted to bring Sans here. Why he showed his other self such compassion. Why he took the time or effort to make Sans happy again. He was even willing to repeatedly go back to Undertale to get what Sans had left behind. Which was a dangerous feat. With the human of that universe hunting relentlessly for a monster that he looked exactly like, he had to be very careful.

The first few times Red had returned to undertale, his boss went with him. While Red gathered what he thought Sans wanted, Papyrus challenged the human. As powerful as Papyrus was, he quickly destroyed the human. However, the machine the Fells used to take human souls could not sync with nor extract the soul from a different au. Therefore, the human would reset and return to fight again.

Papyrus told Red that until they could dispose of the reseting human, they weren't going back to Undertale. It was too dangerous and the gain too little. But Red ignored his warnings and scoldings. All he desired was to offer as much as he could to his blue counterpart. Anything to make him happy.

"I'm sorry you have to go back to that awful place... just for me," Sans' voice snapped Red from his deep thoughts.

"Huh? What?" Red stammered.

Sans was sadly gazing down at his pet rock gripped in his lap. His index phalange making tiny circles on it's surface. "Please don't back to Undertale anymore. It too dangerous."

Red snorted, "Don't fear, Buddy, I'm not afraid of your demon."

"I am. And I'm afraid your gonna be dusted. You only have one hp too," a blue tinged teat fell down his cheekbone and splashed onto the rock. "I can't handle losing more that I care about... I can't -"

"Hey, hey. Stop that," Red cupped Sans' face. "Look at me," he turned Sans' skull to face him. Tears flowing from his eye sockets. With a phalange, Red wiped away some of the warm blue liquid. "See, I'm here. I'm ok. Look, Sans, if you don't want me to go back... I won't. Please stop crying. I'm ugly when I cry."

Sans part laughed, part sobbed. Red let his phalange trace down Sans' skull until he curled it under his chin. Red lifted his head up, pulling Sans closer to himself. "Red? What are yo- !!"

Suddenly, Red pressed his sharp teeth against Sans'. At first Sans was too shocked to respond, but soon emotion and the desperate need for physical contact overtook him. The red and blue Sanses wrapped around each other. Red locked at Sans' teeth, begging for entrance. Which Sans didn't hesitate to allow.

Their ectotongues wrestled in an erotic dance as Sans gripped Red's jacket for dear life. After several moment of heated kissing they pulled away. A purple strand if saliva connecting their mouths for an instant before stretching and braking away. They stared at each other for a moment, both unable to form words.

"Here you two idiots are!!" A thunderous voice echoed threw the cave. The Sanses shrieked and latched on to one another, only to come face to face with an angry Papyrus. "We're supposed to be going to Underswap and I find you two here making out. Get off your asses and let's go! We have work to do, Lazy Bones!!" He shouted at them.

"Alright, Boss. I know you get 'bonely'..." Red smirked.

"Knock it off before I kill you right here!!" Papyrus screamed as he turned on his heels and stomped away. The Sanses following close behind, laughing and goofing off.

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