Chapter 9 - In Love With Myself

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"R...Red..." He moaned as he arched his back sharply. Swap gripped Red's skull as he moved his mouth over the azure glowing member. "I'm gonna c-cu..." He cried out as Red swallowed each spurt.

Red released Swap, licking cum from his face. He came up even with Swap. With his eyes closed and blue colored skull... he looked like the other Sans. Red lifted Swap's leg bones to his shoulders, licking Swap's hot cheekbone.

As he entered his magic, Swap pressed his teeth against Red's, hard. When Red began to move within him, he intertwined his phalanges within Red's ribcage. The dominant monster moaned against Swap's mouth, the vibration causing him to giggle.

Within a few moments Red worked up to a steady rut. Swap drooled as he moaned into Red's sweater, which was bunched high on his chest. Red grinned against the side of his skull as he thrust into his lover far harder. "Slow down, Red!" Swap snapped sharply.

Red only laughed darkly, grasping Swap's still hard ecto dick roughly in a fist. Pumping it hard. Swap pulled on Red's ribs as he bucked against the other. His tiny toe bone curled tightly. With a powerful squeeze Swap stiffened with a second orgasm.

Held is the the grip of Swap's magic, Red knew he was at his limit. "Where do you want me to finish?" He rasped against Swap's skull.

"Inside..." Swap could barely breath, each inhale catching.

Red slammed into his smaller counterpart, filling him to the brim. Panting loudly and shivering, Red collapsed on top of Swap. He heaved a mighty sigh, "So tired..." He breathed, unable to even open his eye.sockets.

Swap only shook his skull as he pulled a blanket off the floor and threw it over them, haphazardly. Red already snoring. "G'night, Red," Swap replied patting the top of his skull.

Several hours passed, but sleep eluded Swap. Within the hours, Red had gradually shifted until he was tucked between Swap and the back of the couch, his arm tightly around Swap's center. He was not a sound sleeper. Maybe it was the discomfort of the small couch or Red's snoring... but mostly he was thinking of his Papyrus.

The last time he saw his brother he was scolding him for being lazy and sleeping at his sentry post. He never even got to say goodbye. And that human. He had protected them, feed them, befriended them... and trusted them. Only to have them betray him. Take his beloved brother and all his friends away forever. How he missed them, missed Pappy.

Tears welled in his sockets as he thought of his brother, he knew this was why he clung to Sans. Why he now laid with a monster he found obnoxious, only to be able to remain with him. All for the simple fact that his family was taken so suddenly. His tears grew heavier until they flowed freely.

Swap attempted to wipe them away, but his hurt was too much for his soul to contain. Red shifted again, he brought a hand to Swap's wet face. Cupping a cheekbone. "S'okay... Don't cry. I'ma ugly when I cry..." He replied in a slurred, drowsy voice.

"Heh," Swap placed his hand over Red's, nuzzling his face deeper into the clawed touch. It was then that he realized Red was still deeply sleeping. "I don't get you... Your mean to me all day long and nice to me in your sleep."

● ● ● ●

"Hey!!" They were startled awake by Sans' shout. He was standing on the lower steps with his arms folded over his chest. "You guys played without me?"

Red chuckled as he lifted the blanket, "You can come squeeze in here if you wanna try..."

Sans laughed as he ran to the couch. Just as he got a leg onto one of the cushions, the front door was kicked open. The trio of Sanses literally latched onto each other as Papyrus marched into the house carrying rolls of poster paper and a thin easel.

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