Chapter 4 - An Understanding With Myself

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Papyrus had thrown the Underswap Sans, whom they nicknamed Swap, back into his cell. "Let him out again and you'll go into the anti-teleport cell in the basement. Watch them Red. Don't disappoint me, Brother... I'll keep your lovers locked up and you'll be dust," Papyrus' voice was dripping with violence.

"They aren't my... Nevermind. Yes, Boss," Red snorted as Papyrus slammed the door behind him.

Swap sat in the small bed inside his cell. Crying. "I like your battle body," Sans said as he sat in a chair just outside the bars.

"Thanks," Swap sniffled. "My brother Pappy made it for me."

"Sans, Swap..." Red approached cautiously. "I can explain. Please don't be mad at me."

"Too late for that. But we're listening," Sans scoffed not even looking at Red.

"We're not after the Sans of the AUs. It's the humans."

"What do you want with Chara?! You leave them alone you big meanie butt!!" Swap slammed himself into the bars.

"The determination? This all goes back to that?" Sans asked finally looking at Red. Who was setting another chair in front of the cell.

Red leaned onto his legs as he reached forward. "You know about the weapon that Alphys is making, the one that uses the raw power of human determination? Right?" He took Sans' hand into his own. Rubbing the tiny hand bones with his thumb. Sans resisted the urge to pull away.

"I'm aware," Sans only gazed down at their joined hands.

"Welp, it's not like a lot of humans fall down here. And that weapon requires a large amount of determination. When Alphys opened those different portals to the AUs. King Asgore charged Boss and I with the task of going to get the humans souls. That's when we found you."

"What does that have to do with him?" Sans pointed a thumb at Swap.

"He's bait. And in a way... so are you. The device we have for extracting the human soul won't take a soul in a different AU. The only way to get these humans is to trick them into coming here. Where the device does work. The only thing they are always guaranteed to do is seek out the Sans of their universe once they've taken the genocide route."

Realization hit Sans like a slap to the skull. "He wouldn't come with you, so you made him."

"Your gonna kill Chara! Why?" Swap bellowed. "They've never hurt anyone, they spared us all. They are my good friend!"

"For now... he was their friend too, weren't you Sans?" Red gripped Sans' hand harder. "It always happens. They always play nice at first. The first couple of resets they spare, they befriend, they even help... but, in the end-"

"They always turn genocidal. Killing everyone and leaving a dust storm in their wake." Sans finished for Red. "I trusted the human and one day, without warning they reset and started killing... they told me it was because they were bored." Blue tears washed down Sans' face.

"Nonsense!" Swap crossed his arms over his gray and cyan battle body. "Chara wouldn't hurt a Flowey. Let alone murder monsters."

"Oh really? His world isn't the first," Red spat.

"You've been to other AUs?" Sans asked, shocked.

"Yeah... Outertale, Dancetale, and Swapfell. But it was too late for those AUs. Even their Sanses had been killed and the human no where to be found. Nothing but sufficating dust. But Undertale and Underswap still had their humans. And my Boss and I were ordered to go get them."

Sans remained quiet. He could care less if the human of his world were brutally killed. However, what was to say that Swap's human friend was like the others. What is to say they did or intended to do anything wrong. Anything evil enough to deserve having their existence erased.

"Sans? Do you hate me? I don't blame you if you did." Sans shook his head to answer Red. "Really?"

"I don't know if what you are doing is right... but I don't hate you."

"We only wanna help. We wanna save Underswap and gain more determination in the process. We mean no harm to any monsters," Red insisted.

Suddenly, there was quiet snoring coming from the cell. Swap had collapsed onto the bed and passed out. From the shouting and crying, he must have been drained. Red stood and brought Sans to his feet.

"Where are going?" Sans asked as he was pulled into a bedroom just off the room. Most likely where guards would stay while changing shifts as they kept watched over prisoners.

Red pressed Sans onto the bed. "Swap's got a good idea, you should rest. Knowing me... you must be very tired. I won't be far."

As Red turned to leave, Sans took hold of the back of his jacket. "Don't go yet. I don't want to be alone."

"I have to work... but I can stay for a minute," Red pulled off his jacket and sneakers. Then turned and pulled of Sans' slippers, tossing them away. Followed by his hoodie.

Red laid beside Sans as he wrapped his body around him."Are you really trying to save Swap's AU?"

"Yes, I swear... I wouldn't lie to me."

Sans laughed somewhat nervously. "Kiss me, Red. I need to feel something... anything."

Red took the invitation immediately. Their summoned ecto tongues meshing together. Swirling and dipping from one mouth to the other. Red pulled Sans deeper into his bones. Sans huffed, a deep blue across his skull, he licked at Red's mouth. His tongue running up his gold fang. Red chuckled, his grin wide, "Geez, you really want me, huh?"

Red slid his hand into Sans' shorts and pulled his hard ecto dick over the waistband. He moaned against Red's fangs as his bones rattled with a quiver. "More... Red, please..."

"I'll give you all you want, Babe..."

● ● ● ●

"It's already happening, Papyrus," the black and red clad scientist snarled against the large TV monitor. "That fucking filth is killing the Underswap monsters. Look their in the ruins with Asgore now." Alphys spit onto the screen as she growled. "It will only be a matter of time before they slaughter him."

"We need to keep watching, we're not sure if they are only in a neutral route. They may spare the main players."

"Yeah... yeah.." Alphys huffed, her hot breath fogging the screen.

● ● ● ●

He lay naked and open to Red. His soul casting a bright blue light. His ribs and spine seemed to be glowing with the lustful magic. Red's own soul glowing in the same manner. Casting a dark siluette of his ribcage through his maroon turtleneck. He thrust himself inside of Sans' magic, which had gathered in his loins.

"Harder!" Sans replied through clentched teeth. He grabbed a hold of Red's spiked collar and yanked hard. Wrapping his legs around Red's middle. Complying, Red smashed their hip bones together. Sans' blue tongue lobbed out over his teeth as he moaned and panted.

"Blue... I'm so close..." Red licked the inside of Sans eye socket.

The unusual intrusion of his eye socket sent Sans over the edge. He arched his back, pushing himself deeper onto Red's member. Crying Red's name, cum sprayed their ribs and his soul erupted with the brightest light yet. The tight grip of Sans' orgasm, squeezed Red in a vice. He thrust into his blue lover as hard as he could until he slammed into Sans with all his might. Maroon cum could be seen filling the skeleton below him. His soul shinning with the same bright light of his orgasm.

Spent and emotionally wrecked, Sans instant fell asleep after sex. Dressed and composed once more, Red clanked his fangs lightly against Sans' closed eye socket. He then left the room. As he passed the cells, Swap's star eyes followed him. "What you did was wrong..."

"If your gonna judge... you should at least wipe the cum off your boot," Red grinned evilly at the madly blushing Swap as he slid villian-like threw the door.

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