Chapter 5 - Breaking Me Down

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He was awoken by the sounds of moans and thumping coming from a nearby room. Though he acted childlike, he knew well enough what those noises ment. Swap, at first, attempted to ignore the sound of sex and silky voices leaking into his cell.

But, soon the sounds seemed to pierce his skull. Despite willing it not to, his magic stirred in his lower region. Breathing heavily and blushing furiously, Swap couldn't stop himself. He worked his glowing ecto member from within his battle body. His phalanges wrapped tightly around the girth, moving up and down it's length.

As the lusty noises washed over Swap, he moved faster and gripped harder. "Blue... I'm so close..." Red's voice seemed to electrified his every bone. Swap panted, cyan drool oozing from the corner of his clamped mouth. His body tensed as he unloaded. Cum landing in his lap, soaking into his battle body.

Suddenly, the door opened and Swap collected himself. When Red passed the bars, he offered a warning, "What you did was wrong..."

"If you're gonna judge... you should at least wipe the cum off your boot," the villainous version of himself smirked as he winked at Swap.

Swap had not noticed the spatter of cyan fluid on the top of his foot. Busted. He could feel his sins crawling on his back.

● ● ● ●

Red was inwardly laughing at the blueberry's shame. "Can't believe he actually got off on just hearing it... might try nailing that one too..." He said to himself.

He walked into Alspys' lab only to lose his wide smile. Alphys was literally standing on the control panel of her enormous monitor. Her face smashed up against it, nearly drooling as she whispered harshly, "They did it... they killed Asgore. Their leaving the ruins."

"What going on?" Red demanded.

"Genocide," Papyrus was sitting at the same table that Sans was just earlier that morning. His long taloned finger tapping on an empty glass. Probably once holding booze. "They are destroying Underswap," His eye sockets narrowed as he stared at Alphys' form sliding back and forth over the screen. "Alphys, get down! I can't fucking see!!" Papyrus bellowed, slamming his fist onto the table.

"Yes, sir..." The dinosaur monster oozed to the floor. The light of the monitor glinting on her spiral glasses.

Red ignored the slinking mad scientist as she moved to another machine and pretended to find some work to do. He came up to Papyrus, "Then what are we doing here? Shouldn't we be going to help Underswap?!"

"No," His answer was as cold and heartless as he, himself.

"What?! But didn't you say we were trying to save these AUs? You're making me a liar!! I just told the others that we were-"

"We were sent to capture humans and their determination. If an AU is save in the process... well, that's simply a bonus isn't it?" Red shook his head in disgust.

"Papyrus, sir!" Alpyhs shouted. "The monitor!!"

On the wall sized screen the Underswap Papyrus, with his orange hoodie and stoner appearance, was fading to dust as the human slaughtered him. Underfell Papyrus snapped his fingers at Alphys. Who immediately hit a button on the control panel. "Mettaton!! Bring in the captive," she ordered into a microphone protruding from the machinery.

"Boss," Red whimpered. "Don't do this, don't break the little one too. Blue is already messed up, please don't fuck up another Sans."

"This will insure he will aid in this human's destruction. He needs to willing participate or our plan will fail."

Red gasped when he realized what his brother was actually planning. But, before he could speak, a four armed, black and red robot pulled the terrified Swap into the monitor room. "Stop squirming, Darling." Mettaton presented Swap to Papyrus.

Papyrus reached out to Swap, but Red grabbed the little skeleton first. He pulled Swap to his body, who latched on to red. Tears splattering Red's face. Alphys gasped, as all four of Mettaton's hand shot to his mouth.

Though he was afraid of Red, he was far more afraid of this world's Papyrus. Swap pressed his face into Red's jacket in order to shut the surrounding fear out. "Don't do this, Boss. I'm begging ya... don't make him lure that human here. He'll be scarred forever..." Red pleaded.

Papyrus stood slowly from his seat. Calmly, he strode to the set of Sanses. Without warning, Papyrus belted Red in the face. He lost his grip on Swap as he flew into a nearby wall. "Stay there," he snapped as he lifted Swap from his kneeling position.

Struggling, Swap fought to free himself. But, Papyrus carried him to the huge screen. "Leave me alone! Stop!!" Swap cried in pure terror.

"Look," Papyrus demanded. Swap shut his eye sockets tight. "Look!" Papyrus grabbed Swap's chin in his palm. He squeezed until Swap obeyed. His enormous pupils quivered as he watch the human he had considered a friend tread heartlessly threw his brother's spending dust. "Do you see what they have done?"

"Brother..." Swap whined.

"The human you have protected has murdered you brother... and they won't stop until all Underswap is gone. Do you see now?" His voice hissed as his hot breath rolled over the side of his skull. His fangs mere breaths from where his ear should be. "What do you say now? Will you remain here and help us take that human's soul? If you are lucky... you can save what few may remain. "

Swap went limp in Papyrus' grasp. He wailed as he watched the human move toward Snowdin killing dogs and froggots along the way. Weakly he knodded. Papyrus set him on the floor. Swap couldn't hold himself up. He sat on the floor in hysterics. "Pappy. Why..."

"Stop crying. There's no need. What is done... is done. He shall care for you now..." Papyrus waved at Red, who was shakily standing. Blood dropping from a small crack below his right socket. "Though he can barely care for himself."

"What do I do?" Swap sniffled.

"You will remain here... they shall seek you out..." Papyrus waved him away. "Go back to that other weakling."

Red moved to Swap and began pulling at his arm bone. "Come on..." He whispered. "Don't piss off Boss."

● ● ● ●

He was snapped awake when the door to the room was banged open. Red and Swap walked in. He noticed the state they were in and knew instantly what had happened. "Their killing again aren't they?"

Red leaned on a nearby wall as he pressed an already bloody cloth to his face. "Yeah... his Papyrus is already dead..."

Swap began bawling all over again. Sans left the bed and walked to Swap. He collapsed onto Sans' shoulder. Sans glared at Red, "Not very good rescuers are we?"

Suddenly, Swap ran to Red. He pounded his closed fists onto his ribcage, "You said you would save them!! You said you would help! Liar!"

Red wasn't affected by the blows. Instead he caught the tiny wrists, "I said we were trying..."

Swap wrung his arms free and snarled, "Liar..."

Red snorted, wiping at dried blood, "Get over it. You can't go home so I'm your best chance at survival. Your easier prey than him. As of right now we stuck together."

The three of them heard thunderous footsteps coming toward them. Mettaton burst through the doorway. "Red!! A human just came threw the Undertale portal!"

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