Chapter 10 - Protecting Myself

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*Chapter 10 - Protecting Myself

The Sanses hadn't realized they had all fallen asleep until Red awoke complaining about his spine hurting. “Wake up, Blueberry…” He shook Swap roughly. “We have to go home or Boss’ll kill us.”

Swap yawned and stretched hard, “Ok, ok…”

They exited the cavern, Swap was leaning on Sans’ arm as he teased Red. Who was laughing and teasing back. Suddenly, they were stopped by a frantic Undyne. “Hey there, Fishstick, what’s got your panties in a bunch?” Red replied, paying more attention to flirting with Sans and Swap.

Undyne grabbed Red violently by the shoulder, “Sans! There is a human in Underfell, they’ve been killing monsters left and right.”

“What? A human fell into the Umderground?” Sans asked. All three finally focused on the warrior.

“No… they came from one of those portals your brother and Alphys opened!” She hyperventilated.

Swap loosened his grip on Sans’ arm and instead slid his hand into Red’s, squeezing slightly. “Was this human wearing a blue, heart shaped locket?”

“Yeah, how do you know that?”

Swap suddenly yanked Red’s arm, “That’s my human!” He practically yelled in the other’s face.

Red gripped Swap’s shoulder hard, “Are you sure?”

Swap nodded. “I made them that locket as a gift.”

“Sans, Alphys said she spotted them heading toward Snowdin. Like… they were looking for something.  Something, specific,” Undyne stated sharply.

“!!... Their looking for Papyrus,” Red spun to Sans. “If their looking for him, they’ll go to the house.”

“Where we left him sleeping!” Sans said in a panicked tone.

“What are you waiting for?!” Swap squeezed Red’s hand hard. “Take us home before they hurt Papy!!”

●  ●  ●  ●

They slowly pushed open the door of the skelebro’s home. A sneer was all that could be seen on their blackened features. The long, lanky monster was stretched out on the couch before them. Easy prey. They made their way deeper into the house as quietly as they could.

Standing before the sleeping skeleton, the human reached forward and placed a single finger onto one of his sharp teeth. It was the same skeleton they had killed just a few days before… but how could it be? They were wearing his corpse. Their eyes shifted to their brown shoes. Coated in the thick layer of dust from the slain monster.

Though they were confused with how this victim had managed to revive in this new place… it didn't matter. Not to them. They let their hand drop to their side while the other rose the knife up high. They snickered to themself… they had killed him once. They'll kill him again.

The human put all the muscles in their small arm into the downward swing. But before the knife was even halfway through the stab, they were violently tackled from the side. The loud thud created by bodies meeting floor woke Papyrus.  He stood quickly taken by surprise. Red was sitting on top of an enraged human.

They were slashing the knife wildly in the air. Red dodging best he could, some connected leaving cuts in his skull. “Stop swinging that thing, you sinner!” Red struggled. The human only shrieked.

“What's going on?!” Papyrus cried.

Desperately attempting to restrain the thrashing and screaming human, Red shouted harshly, “Swap get the extractor!”

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